Fight me

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Sid looked at Yoshi surprised at first but nodded none the less.

"Master, there's truly no reason for her to-" Yoshi cut him off with a slight glare. silencing Raph.

'This guy's sharp..' She thought with a slight inward smirk.

"Is Pops really gonna have her thank Raph when she's barley even healed? That's crazy!" Mikey whispered to Donnie watching the girl with pity.

However before Donnie could voice his opinion a deep unladylike laugh filled the room. Catching their attention once more.

"You picked up on it did you? You must be a master then." She inspected Yoshi with interest; bowing respectfully once more at the new information.

Yoshi raised an eyebrow with a slight grin. "It's hard not to notice. You've had intense training haven't you, my dear?" Yoshi voice was softer then before, sensing this might be a hard topic given her current appearance.

"He goes by many names, however I am under oath. Therefore my Master may never be revealed. I apologize for this lack of information." She once again bowed her head.

Inspecting her obedience and submission; Yoshi guessed whoever her master had been, they were very dominating most likely abusive.

'Poor child...'

"Never mind that. Come you must rest. Resting will help you heal. Let me treat your injuries, you have lost quite a bit of blood." He turned slightly waving his hand for her to follow.

"I mean no disrespect. However I must be leaving." Sid bowed once again; hissing in pain this time. She quickly grabbed her side, ignoring her useless dislocated arm.

Everyone, but Leo, rushed a few steps closer to her hunched over form. Stopping when she roughly slammed her hand on the marble tile floor.

"Damn it! I won't get anywhere in the condition!-" she roared huffing in air "- Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn!" She repeatedly slammed her charred fist to the ground. Causing it to crack under her rage.

'She has a quick temper, much like Raphael...' Yoshi raised an eyebrow watching as she left out her frustrations.

"Enough Sid. You won't be going anywhere. Not in the state. Just hide out here. Let us help you." Raph's surprisingly calm voice secede her actions. She looked up at him with labored breathing; panting from her mouth she looked around at all the concerned and possibly frightened faces.

"I must leave. I am a danger to you and your family. Any minute now government officials could bust through the doors searching for me!"  She coaxed through gritted teeth.

'I can't let them get in trouble after showing me kindness...'

Before Raph could speak Yoshi suddenly cleared his throat; catching their attention. "Very well, even though you are truly in no condition to leave this place.-" he crossed his arms behind his back, facing away from his sons and the young girl.

"P-pops you can't be serious!" Mickey exclaimed from his spot; shocked by his father's decision.

"Ah, if you would let me finish.-" He stated with a slight edge before looking over his broad shoulder; fixing his gaze on the crumbled girl"- You may leave, if you can beat all four of my sons in your current state." He finished with a hidden smirk.

Raph let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. Nodding his head slightly in defeat.

  "The state I'm in now is no problem. I do not wish to harm those who have shown me kindness." She stood from her slouch on the floor; wincing as she did so.

She knew she would lose in her current state, and she had a feeling this mysterious Sensei knew that as well.

'Tch... troublesome'

She wanted to see just how strong her opponents were so she did what she does best; provoked them. She masked an arrogant smirk and crossed her arms, tilting her head up as if  she were better.

"You've got to be joking, in this state or even full condition. You'd never beat me, little girl." Leo sneered; pulling his two katanas from his battle gear strapped to his back.

His brothers stared with shock before Raph glared heavily. Feeling an over whelming urge to protect the wounded fawn he had brought into the lion's den.

"L-Leo, we cannot fight her, she's in no condition to even be standing like she is!"  Donnie's voice of reason went unnoticed.

"Dudes, I so don't wanna do this. She said my names cool, I like her." Mikey moped but still pulled out his nun- chucks.

"Man these cuts are so troublesome." she muttered licking her thumb; running it over the dried blood under a large scrape on her left cheek. Hissing in pain when her fingernail accidentally rubbed against it. "Can't move my arm neither, hopefully it's just dislocated." She stared intently at the drops of blood that swam down her arm before diving off her fingertips.

"Ha! You're so going down, stupid girl!" Leo bellowed loudly catching her attention when he charged towards her from the opposite side of the room. She swiftly turned and sprinted into a large open space littered with verities of different physical equipment.

"Donnie I really don't wanna do this." Mikey once again called to his older brother.

"Come on guys! Father said to fight! So obey his command!" Leo stopped for a slight second calling back at them.

Donnie looked towards the direction Sid had run off to, recognizing the room as the training room. He observed how her breathing was labored and how her body was trembling from the movement.

"We're really sorry, but we have no choice." He sighed heavily shaking his head in annoyance.


    { Sid's POV }

I ran into a large high ceilinged room, quickly noting my mistake when no excites were visible. All I could hear was the blood rushing to my ears, blocking out that sense. I felt like my body was burning, screaming at me to stop all movement. But I pushed on, ignoring the slight dizziness I felt.

Spinning around to face an incoming angry handsome blue haired boy, he was charging straight at me with weapons drawn.

'Why you gotta try an kill me? You're actually kinda cute...'

Suddenly an extreme pain shot through my side causing me to gasp for air. Grabbing my side I remembered the large gash I had received from a rogue piece of metal in the explosion. I stared down at my now crimson fingers with gritted teeth.

    "Don't take your eyes off me! You underestimate me! You disrespectful Girl!" Leo yelled jumping up in the air to get a full slash at me with his sword.

"Leo Don't!!" I heard the husky voice that belonged to my savior.

However something just snapped in side of me when his word sank in.

'What does he know!?'

"That's enough little peasant! You have no knowledge of me! I could level this place and kill you all in an instant. Yet you dare insult me!? Even in my current state, even with the blood I've lost, I will not lose to some snot noses brat who believes he's better then me!" I gave him an intimidating glare while grabbing his sword with one hand. Successfully stopping his attack while he stared at me with shock; as did the others.
  Blood oozed from my now cut palm, draining down my pale arm before dripping onto the marble flooring.

A silence filled the air before Leo "Tched" and kicked me in the stomach sending me back a couple feet allowing him to rip away his swords.

I felt the eerie darkness taking over my vision as I huffed in ragged breaths.

'No! not again!' I mentally cried fearing for those around me as the darkness fully engulfed me.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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