Tonio when does mom come home she was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago and I'm hungry. I'll cook for you. No I don't want the house to be burnt down. Come on gabs it's not that bad yes it is. We here a knock on the door I run thinking it was mom but it was Antonio's team they came in with sad faces. Gabs can you go to your to your room for a second. Yea can you ask mom when she is coming home to though. Yea
Living room
Antonio your mom was in a accident and died on scene what how am I going to tell gabby she is only nine and has lost both of her parents and I'm only 19 and if both of them die I have custody of her. It's ok we love you guys and we'll always be there for you guys. All of sudden I heard gabby crying. Oh my god do you think she heard I wasn't ready to tell her yet.
Gabbys room
Gabby I walk in and I see her crying. Gabby. First dad then mom then I'm going to lose you.im only 9 years old.gabs what are you talking about you will never lose me. Yes dad died from the job mom died in a car accident next is you because of your job. Your not going to lose me I promise.people keep promising me things dad promised he would come back mom promised she would never me and everyone who makes me a promise dies! She yelled you help people but your always at work so was mom now I'm going to be raising myself! Gabby I can take a couple weeks off from work and you can take a couple weeks off from school. I'll put you first before anything I promise this is the same promise I made when dad died and I've kept it it's only us two we have to stick together.