Gabby get up you got to go back to school today no I'm suspended for 2 weeks no your not how about if I go and punch him again if I get called to your school again I'm going to bring the whole intelligence unit and after that I wil ground you for a week what tonio you can't do that I can and I will ugh fine
Ooh look it the girl who thinks she can fight the girl with that stupid brother all of a sudden Matt shay Andy and Kelly showed up behind me and said don't do it and tried to hold me back but this time I knocked the boy on the ground and punched him until he was bleeding.
Principals office
Gabby you just got back because of this I will have to call your brother again no please don't he is going to bring his whole team there like my aunts and uncles and they just please don't I'm sorry miss Dawson
10 minutes later
Antonio and his team walked in and the all said gabby gabby gabby really what he was talking about Antonio again and I thought he Learned but I think this time he did. Wow jay said you really love your brother yea ok so how long is she suspended this time mr.dawson this time it will be two weeks and next it will be expelsion ok thanks
Gabby your grounded for a week eso no Es justo,si lo es,no no es, si lo es,no no es, si lo es ok stop speaking Spanish what are you guys saying she said that's not fair I said yes it is and she said no it not then we just kept saying it now go to you room gabby no quiero hablador Antonio hablador Antonio hablador Antonio ok stop we don't speak Spanish so can you guys speak English fine I'm telling gabby to go to her room and she say no then we're just saying each other's name Antonio eso es English gabby fine Antonio that is not fair and if you want me to make me really mad I'll just get expelled I hissed gabby go to your room no tv no phone no iPad and no friends for a week ugh te odio I yelled as I ran in my room and slammed my door and I heard Antonio say te quiero a what did you guys just say she said she hates me and I said I love you to she always speaks Spanish when she is mad Antonio you have to be her brother but you also have to make her treat you with respect or she will neve take you seriously voight says to me I know but she's my little sister my best friend we talk to each other and I just don't want to lose that bond we have with each other Antonio the bond that you guys have can never be broken ok I'll go talk to her
Gabbys room
Gabby can I come in sure gabby I'm sorry but you can't just go punching people because they talked about me they talked about mom and dad and called me a orphan both Tim- just then Antonio got a call hello is this Antonio Dawson yes your aunt was in a car accident and she died on the way to the hospital what I'm sorry but we need you and your sister to come and identity the body ok thank you when Antonio hung up he looked at gabby and said auntie Charlotte is dead what no we cryed in each other's arm and then the intelligence unit walked in and asked what's wrong umm my moms sister was in a car accident and died on the way to the hospital Antonio said while trying to fight his tears and they said two family members need to come and identity the body and that's me and gabby and we can't Burie her unless we do it come on gabby lets go make sure it's her umm we came with you guys just go sit down in the back of the car
Are you the Antonio and gabby I'm sorry that you have to do this
5 minutes later
Gabby came out of the room in Antonios arm crying and soon fell asleep antonio come on we'll drive you back home