Gabby get up your coming with me today tonio I can stay home by myself I know you can but I don't want you to fine tonio but how long are you staying at work 8 hours maybē ok I'll get dressed I came out with short's and a tank top gabby go change you cant wear that tonio it's hot today and I don't got school I don't care your my little sister and you will not wear that or anything like that until your 30 or never I haven't decided fine tonio what can I wear you can wear a long sleeve short and straight legs tonio I only have one pair of straight legs and no long sleeve I go to a uniform school and when I'm not in school this is what I wear ok I'll ask Erin to take you shopping tonio I have clothes nope I don't like them
Antonios job
Erin can you take her shopping why she has a lot of clothes I've seen them yea but I don't like them this is all she has tonio that is what normal girls wear not my sister only straight legs and long sleeve ok yes I wil take her and gabby no shorts tonio nope I said no shorts now here's some money
2 hours later
Gabby let me see what you got fine here ok good good no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no gabby i said no shorts I dint gets shorts i just go 2 prices swim suits and tank tops you only said no shorts we will talk when we get home .