Gabby laura is going to be here soon get up and dressed tonio this is the week she will break up with you so happy ok gabby promise me you will at least try to be nice tonio I can try but I can not promise anything ok thanks gabs love you love you to tonio
1 hour later
(Knock knock) gabby Laura is here be nice as he let Laura in he kissed her eww tonio gabby be nice hi I'm gabby and I don't like you and neither does my brother so you can go bye gabby you promised you'd give her a chance yea I did by tonio I'm going to my room gabby I'm coming to talk to you in a minute I'm sorry Laura she has been doing this to since she was three I understand she is your sister it's what they do thanks you can go site down I'll be right back hopefully with gabby apologizing.
Gabbys room
Gabby this is the eight girl you did that to tonio I did not like her what can I say gabby can you see if you like her a least I really like her so please gabby for me not for anybody else but for me ok tonio but first pay up really yep fine how much umm 20$ here gabby that's enough for a month right yea tonio I got you and you can fix this right yea.
Living room
Hi I'm gabby and I'm sorry for being mean and I sorry if I hurt your fellings its ok thank you when she was done she came to me and said I told you I could fix it yea thanks gabs can I go to my room tonio yea sure gabs but first give me a kiss ok after she gave me a kiss she ran to her room. She has to sides said Laura yea that's one thing I love about her so does she cook no and I know you can't cook so what do you guys eat we cook but it ends up turning into a food fight so we just order pizza wow you guys must be really close yea we have a special bond ok what do you eat when you don't have pizza umm... What we have cold pizza we order once or twice every month ok let me cook yea thanks I love you I love you too.