Chapter 1

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Never did I expect any this to happen.

In a matter of seconds my life had changed forever, with the simple pull of a trigger.


I was exhausted. After a ten hour shift at Rudy's I was mentally preparing myself for sleep, I practically snore even thinking about it. I couldn't complain though, Rudy's had been the answer to my prayers. After my family invested their money unwisely, we lost everything. With no money to start my college funds I had to scramble to find a part time job in this small town. Rudy's was my only option and even though the hours are bad and the food kind of sucks, the people there are great.

I look around and it's pitch black outside. Pacing myself, I start to walk the mile and a half it takes to get home. I walk around the corner humming an old song I heard in the diner; my humming immediately stops. Yelling and shouting and then a gun shot. I knew these neighborhoods were dangerous but I had no idea how bad it was until just now.  I take off in the opposite direction hoping to go unnoticed, but I guess God wasn't on my side today because I hear more shouts and heavy footfalls behind me. Soon enough I felt my long hair being forcefully yanked and I come to a painful halt. Turning my body I brace myself for death. 'This is it' I think preparing myself for a bullet to the head. But instead I am greeted by the most hypnotizing hazel eyes I've ever seen. A man in his late twenties, early thirties stares back at me and then an uncomfortable silence greets us. He stares at me for the longest time and I start to feel uncomfortable, like he could read my mind or had seen me naked. His eyes graze over my body and then I hear an appreciative grunt followed by him lightly touching my arm, as if relishing in the softness of my skin against his rough calluses. Again I wait for death, almost asking him to get it over with, but it doesn't come. Instead my nose comes into contact with a cloth that smelled weird. I start struggling but I know it's too late. The last thing I see are his beautiful eyes and hear a faint "What am I going to do with you cara?" And then it all goes black.


I feel sluggish. That's really the only way to describe the lack of coordination I feel when trying to lift my head up and completely failing. Adjusting to the blurriness, I am finally able to see a nicely decorated room. Looking around, I'm on a king sized bed with the softest comforter I've ever been on. Getting up I walk to the mirror in front of the bed and notice I'm still in my work uniform. My jaded cerulean eyes look puffy, and my long brown hair looks ratty with tangles that will hurt to get out later. Freaking out I really take in my surroundings, my kidnapper's room, I think. Speak of the devil. I hear the door handle turn and automatically tense. All I can remember are hazel eyes so when he walks in I nearly gasp. Is it bad to be physically attracted to your kidnapper? Stockholm syndrome I think it is. Anyway, his dusty brown hair goes perfectly the flecks of green and brown in his eyes. He has a defining jaw with slight scruff. His body is rippling with muscles and I suddenly realize I've been staring way too long. "Had your fill yet?" he says to me. I immediately blush. The guy kidnapped me for God's sake and I'm over here ogling over him, that has to stop. "Do you have a name girl?" he asks harshly. "Gianna," I mumble. I don't know what he says next but I think I hear him say beautiful. Was he talking about me? "What am I doing here? I have a family that will come and look for me. They'll notice that I'm missing. I won't tell anyone, no harm no foul, just let me go," I plead hoping he'll just hear me out and let me leave. "I'm afraid I can't do that cara," he smirked. "I don't know why, but when I saw you witness what we  did, I couldn't put a bullet through your head. I should've but I didn't. No witnesses. That's one of my rules, no witnesses and yet here you stand. I want to see where this goes bella because let me assure you, I never leave witnesses."
"Please you don't understand!" I beg. "My family needs me! They can't afford anything without me working! You have to let me go; I swear I won't tell anyone what has happened here!" Emotions whirl in those hazel eyes I have secretly become fond of but then they immediately turn blank. "You stay here for as long as I want you to stay. Your family will just have to struggle because you won't be going home any time soon, as a matter of fact, I haven't decided what I'm going to do with you so it would be in your best interest to shut up and quit asking to leave." And with that he storms out of the room, but not before I hear a click of the lock from the outside of the door. I'm stuck here with an insanely hot criminal who killed someone in cold blood and then kidnapped me and I honestly don't know what his intentions are. What is he going to do with me? Where am I? Who is he? What am I going to do?

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