Chapter Two

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Hey guys another update!! Yay. A picture of Shelby is at the top^ hope you enjoy. It's not edited 

Ben Barnes- Nathan Black
Blake Lively - Shelby Singh
Torian Bellisario - Jessica Strauss
Alex Pettyfer- Ryan Parrish

Nathans POV

"You are what?" Jessica exclaimed, she wasn't ready for this. She dropped the spoon into the ice cream tub and she stared at me for a couple of seconds, I think she was expecting me to say that I was joking. When I didn't she flipped out. "Who the fuck is she?" she yelled, she wasn't reacting well, I mean who would if their partner told them they are marrying someone else? I mean I wouldn't either. 

"No, listen to me." I tried explaining myself, but her temper gets the best of her. Knowing her for four years I knew what was coming, She threw her ice cream at me getting it all over my shirt and pants. Great now I was sticky. Will she ever let me explain to her what was happening before she starting cussing at me in many different languages, did I mention she is a language major she wants to me a translator for big companies, you might not know it, but it makes good pay and I mean 'good'.

She then started throwing pillows at me before i got close enough to grab a hold of her wrists. That was the only way to get her to stop, once she had stopped she just stared at me before she started crying and balled up and fell into my arms as I were the only means holding her up. Slowly I put her on the couch and started explaining my story to her, about my father and mother and how i was forced into it for the happiness and my fathers last wish before he leaves up, just having the conversation made me tear up but I wasn't going to let her see me cry so I held it back. What would she think of me if she had seen me cry? 

"Oh honey, maybe you should have opened with that." she said as she said through gritted teeth still mad at me. But at this moment I had it, I had a plan.  "Maybe we should have you meet my parents without me there and you could win there hearts, and then maybe they will change their minds from the other girl to you." I said. It sounded like an amazing plan to be honest. My parents can fall in love with her the way they did with this girl and then soon they might just get me engaged to Jessica. But obviously once they do I'll propose not wanting it to be arranged. "Maybe that'll work." Jessica said as she got up from the couch and ruffled out her silk pajamas. It'll be great!

"But it means you only have a week to make them fall in love with you, because they want us to get engaged at the end of next week." I said, which was true but knowing her I don't think that'll be a challenge, she was great. "What? A week? that's impossible!" She exclaimed before she threw up her hands and said something in Italian. Which was very sexy!  

"Okay, i'll try. But if they don't budge we are eloping." she said, Well I didn't mind but I didn't want my dad to feel a betrayed. "I have a better idea, if they don't I'll go through with the marriage, but i'll make a contract and have her sign it." I said, this will work. I know it. She knew what I was talking about and she smiled a devilish smile before hugging me and embracing me with a kiss. That night I had fallen asleep at her place.

Shelby's POV

"No mom, I don't want to marry any guy I barely know." I said as quietly as I could as I was walking through the aisles of the store. She wants me to marry someone i hardly knew, and in this day and age who does that? I mean, I understand my parents point of view and that they had an arranged marriage and that's all they want of me. Yes, my parents are strong believers in arranged marriage because that's how it is in our culture. I was adopted as a baby, and my parents are Indian, and I have grown up with them my whole life and I consider myself Indian event though my skin tone is fair, I've learned of the culture, language and learned how to make the fine cuisine. My parents told me my birth parents were teens and drug addicts and frankly I wouldn't want to meet them if they contacted me. I'm happy with my life. All I know is that maybe I wasn't given everything in my life, but I know that what I have and have been given was for a much bigger cause in life. 

"Okay just agree to meet him, I've already talked to his parents and they called us out for dinner tomorrow night." Mom said, she didn't have an Indian accent, well that's because both my parents had grown up in England before moving to Seattle before I was adopted. "Fine, just dinner." I said, I can feel her smile right through the phone, the simplest things make her happy. I hung up the phone and put my stuff on checkout counter, when I placed the box of tampons I had on the counter it had reminded me of the brief encounter with Nathan. I smiled, after I had paid for my stuff I took it my small apartment in downtown. I had to beg my parents to let me get an apartment close to my job, they just didn't like the idea of me leaving the house and living on my own. Now that I live alone it does get lonely sometimes. 

I put my stuff away in its drawers and changed into my short shorts and large t-shirt that had 'I might be wrong, but I doubt it' written across it. I watched a little bit of TV before I decided to go to bed, but this one question has been looping through my mind ever since my conversation with my mom. I wonder who this guy is?

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