Chapter Three

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A picture of Shelby's dress at the top.

Ben Barnes- Nathan Black
Blake Lively - Shelby Singh
Torian Bellisario - Jessica Strauss
Alex Pettyfer- Ryan Parrish

Shelby's POV

I've been anxious all day, wanting to know who this guy was. As soon as I got home from the bank, I went straight into the shower. I work at the bank as financial planner, a good living and I love my job. I wrapped myself with a towel and headed into my room. I don't know what to wear, maybe something casual, or something bold! No, i'm going to stick with casual. I took out a black sleeved dress with small round studs patterned across the collar of the dress pouring all the way down to the dress. It was perfect! I'm really anxious about meeting him, I don't want to make a fool out of myself. Then again, that's why I have never had a relationship longer than a day. Also because I've never dated before this, you can say I'm a virgin when it comes to the area involving boys.

I've always been shy, but ever since I have gotten a job at the bank I've opened myself up to talking and socializing. I grabbed a black wool coat from the hanger and slipped it on. I grabbed my black hand bag and put on my ankle cut boots. I stared at myself in the mirror for a bit and headed out. I locked my apartment door and headed downstairs to the parking lot. My phone steered ringing and I picked it up. "Hey, mom I'm just leaving now." I said as I took out the keys and opened the door to my Honda coupe, it was beautiful car.

"Ok honey, we will meet you there, you know where the place is right?" She said in her lovely voice. She was the only friend I have had growing up, people always thought I was weird cause I had Indian parents and I was white, and they said the most nastiest things to me growing up. By then I had just given up on making any friends. "No, actually I don't." I said as I sat into the car and turned on the ignition. I put on my seatbelt and locked my doors, I hated scary movies, but watching them always made me take precautions when I'm alone.

"We are going to Joeys downtown." Mom continued. "Okay so I'm gonna let you go now, get here safely honey." And then she hung up. I put my phone away and turned on my Bluetooth and played my music off my phone, at this moment I was really enjoying Adele's new song. It didn't take long to get to Joeys, I lived only ten minutes away. Once I parked my car I made my way into the restaurant, it had a very nice vibe to it. I was definitely dressed for this restaurant. Thank god.

My parents were already sitting with whom I'm guessing was his parents, but the guy wasn't there. "Hello, I'm Shelby." I said to his parents, as they got up to hug me. They looked very familiar. I then sat right next my dad and the empty chair. "My son is just running late, he's stuck in traffic." His father said, he looked pissed at his son already and he wasn't even here. "Do you remember me?" His mother said, I looked up from the empty glass informing of me and stared at her blue eyes, I can't place, where have I seen her before? "No, I'm sorry." I said as I took the napkin that was held with a cuff on my plate and placed it on my lap.

"That's alright you were too young." She said, what I'm confused. "You and my son used to play together a lot, that's how your mom and I are friends." She continued, "My name is Clarissa and my husbands is Charles." She finished. The name rings a bell maybe I do now there sons name.

I do know his name its...Nathan, and as if on cue he walks in, Nathan the same guy I meet at the store just last night. What the hell, we knew each other before last night? Nathan came closer to our table and looked at me with those eyes that said 'what the hell are you doing here?' Once he sat down to the seat next to me he finally understood, he gave me a glare and introduced himself to my parents. "Hi, I'm Nathan." he said as he shook my parents hands, at least he was well behaved and didn't make a scene in front of our parents. But didn't he have a girlfriend... or was he lying? My mom excited as ever got straight to the point. "Nathan you have grown up to be such a lovely man, I wouldn't have thought of anyone better to marry our beautiful daughter." she said as she pinched my cheeks and I flinched. God I swear this woman always knew how to embarrass me, no matter what.

"I was thinking the same thing." Clarissa said as she looked at Charles, he then too gave her a smile. Shit wasn't actually expecting them to actually agree, maybe they won't doesn't Nathan have a girlfriend? Yeah he'll probably say no anyways why am I so worried. "So Nathan, Shelby what do you guys think?" Clarissa asked. Nathan looked at me, I looked at him for a second before i tore my stare away from him and took the jug and poured myself some water, but I could feel him staring at me, I took a gulp of water before Nathan started talking, "Yes." he finished and I choked on my water and started coughing hysterically, like an idiot. Nathan handed me my napkin that was on my lap and started patting my back. When I finished embarrassing myself everyone just stared at me, why was everyone staring I finished not dying. Oh... they're waiting for my answer. Why did Nathan say yes anyways? He probably doesn't have girlfriend. I looked over at my parents, they looked happy, and my mom she never looked so happy before. I couldn't say no now.

"Yes." I said and I place the napkin back on the table, they all started talking about the wedding just like that. "Call the waitress lets get some food." Charles said and he was waving at a waitress to come to our table and take our order. "Hey dad Shelby and I are gonna go take a walk, just order for us and call us when the food arrives." Nathan says to his dad. His dad nodded and we both got up and left the restaurant. The breeze outside was amazing, it was only June and the sky had many beautiful shades of pink, purple, blue, and yellow. We both started walking down the sidewalk, It was busy well because it was summer break for school kids and it was downtown. Downtown is always busy. "So," I said trying to get this conversation started. "I thought you had a girlfriend." I finished. What? I was curious to why he lied to me anyways, I mean he'll now have to tell me everything anyways if he was going to be my husband.

"I do." He said as he kicked a pebble on the ground, wait what? He still has a girlfriend? "Why did you say yes then?" I questioned and stopped in my tracks. He stopped also, and stared at me with those cobalt blue eyes, they're so mesmerizing. "This meant a lot to my father that I marry you, and actually I need to talk to you about this," he said and continued. "Can we go sit somewhere quiet and talk?" He questioned, I nodded and followed him to his car, he had a very nice car. I sat down in the passenger seat and he walked around to the driver seat and sat down. "I know you really don't want to marry me and neither do I." He said, what does that mean? Was I not to his standards? Thank god for that, I can't believe we use to be friends when we were younger. I wonder what his girlfriend is like.

"I'm only marrying you because of my father, he likes you for me and as his wish I said yes. But I want to marry my girlfriend." He said, and he leaned over and took out a booklet of papers. "I made my lawyer write it out, it states that we are to be married for six months, and after the terms are done we are to get a divorce." He said. Was he an idiot?

"Excuse me? What do I look like a toy?" I said, this guy is an asshole, a big jerk. This guy actually wrote a contract, wait... why am I going through with this. I'm way better than this. "No." I said and crossed my arms. "Shelby, listen. Look at how happy our parents are, we can't go and say no to them now." He said. He's now thinking of their happiness?

"And what do you think will happen to them when they hear about us getting a divorce?" I said to him, they would be devastated. Heartbroken, I can't do that to them. "I'll be an asshole, so they will encourage you to get a divorce with me." He said. Why would I put myself through this? This was insane, it was irrational.

"Why would I do this?" I asked, I was curious to why and what will I get out of this? "I'll give you half a million that should be enough to cover for your student debt." He said, how did he know I'm still paying off my loans. Oh god, I was drowning in them actually. "Fine." I said, if this asshole was looking out for himself, I might as well too. He smiled and handed me couple of pages and a pen, before he started talking, I signed it and handed it back to him.

"Give me your hand," He said as I took his hand in mine he started his rules.

"One, Our marriage isn't a lifetime. It's only six months."

"Two, we will act like a married couple in front others, but when we are alone we won't."

"Three, we will never try to get close to each other."

"Four, we won't love each other."

Once he finished, I repeated his words and we shook on it. My life had turned upside down.

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