Part 18:Hide Sadness With A Smile

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maka pov

I don't know where I am. I just started walking and never stopped. I took a train. I need to rest. I don't know where. I look at a store not to far away. I go in.

"excuse me can you tell me where i am?" I ask the cashier lady.

"oh yes dear, um your in Albany Oregon!". I look at her astonished. But me and soul lived in Nevada. I can't believe I'm all the way in Oregon, northern Oregon.

"uh t-thank you."

"don't mention it." The lady smiles as I leave. I keep walking mot knowing where I'm going. I miss soul so much. He is probably really worried about me. Maybe I should call and tell him I'm fine. No. I sit on the corner of the sidewalk. There is a field to my right and houses to my left. I also miss my mother, even if I don't remember much about her, I still loved her. A car drives by me. They roll down the window.

"hey, how much?!" The man asks.

"what? Hell no! I'm just sitting down asshole!!!" I yell angry and embarrassed

"come on!" He gets out of the car and tries to kiss me.

"no! Stop!!" I yell trying to get away. Then someone punches him in the face. Its a girl with brown hair. He stumbles back. He grabs a huge knife from his pocket. The girl turns her arm into a sword. Its a light blue, really sharp.

"now you better move along before I kill you!" The man throws his hands in the air and gets in his car and drives away. The girl turns around with a bright happy smile. She was just showing this really angry and scary face, then happy and bright. Weird.

"thank you!" I say shaking her hand. Wait she seems familiar.

"oh my gosh! Maka? Hey its me! Birdie! You probably don't remember me"

"no I do, its just I couldn't remember your name, its so cool" I freeze. Soul likes to be cool. Heh. Shut up!!!

"here come inside! And tell me what your doing here, and why your boyfriend isn't here with you!" Birdie says smiling and skipping to her house. I start to cry a little but I suck it up. We walk in her house. Its a two story. When you walk in there is a living room to the right and stairs to the left.

"walk around, just knock on any doors before you go in! People live here with me!" She says skipping into the living room. I walk into the living room, there is big couches and some book cases. With lots of books! Then through a door is a kitchen. Then a room next to it that has a chair and a violin Case next to it. Then in a door is the laundry room, then another door that leads the garage. Then a bathroom. And a opening that leads to the front door. It goes in a circle. I go upstairs there is a balcony with three doors. I knock on the first one someone opens it.

"what bird?" The guy asks looking at me funny. "oh your not birdie"

"this is jarred my partner. You can call him JJ. JJ this is maka." Birdie runs up the stairs. She smiles. JJ has brown hair, and has a black shirt and brown jeans.

"oh hey maka!" JJ seems to be at ease.

"hey" I wave. Birdie walks in his room and he shuts the door. She comes back out.

"this is Monroe's room! He and JJ share a bathroom. Its connected to both rooms" she knocks on the door. A boy with dark skin, and dark hair opens it. He is tall. He has a black coat and plaid pajama pants on. I notice I am paying close attention to everything to keep my mind off of soul. It is kinda working.

"hey bird who's this?" Monroe asks.

"this is maka!" Monroe winks at me. I blush.

"hey" then he shuts the door. "rude! That's my boyfriends little brother. My boyfriends name is bane!" She opens the last door. "Bane sweetie!" She yells happy.

"hey!" They kiss. I look away. Bane is also dark skinned and has dark hair. He is wearing his PJ's. He looks at me

"nice to meet you!" He shakes my hand.

"hi"after that me and birdie go down stairs. I tell her all that happened and why I left. She gives me a hug and offers me to stay with her. She says I can stay in her bed and her and bane could take the couch. But I told her I would take the couch. So I guess ill be staying here. She already talked to JJ and bane. But she said Monroe has no say. She laughs when she says that. But I like her. She seems nice.

"oh by the way. We have a bird that is named piper. He is nice. And has magic powers too!"

"hey I have a question"

"yes anything?"

"why are you so happy?" I ask then immediately feel guilty.

she smiles. "because I am better at hiding my tears! JJ is pretty good but not as good as me!"

"what?"birdie looks around.

"well me and JJ have had bad pasts, but we don't want to show that we are sad because we don't want others to feel bad. So we fake our smiles! That's why our souls are so perfect! And bane and Monroe are brothers so their souls are perfect also!"

I feel bad now. Birdie says tomorrow we are going to take showers go out to eat and meet her bird and go meet five of her other friends. And she will show me her violin playing. And she will show me some skills on fighting. She said it could help get my mind off of soul and my mother. I wonder how soul is doing. I look out the window. The moon is smiling. I turn away. And start thinking about tomorrow instead of soul. Because it hurts whenever I do. I can't stand this! I love him and miss him so much. It hurts more not seeing soul than my mothers death. But he cant deal with me forever. I can deal with myself. I'll do what birdie does. Hide my sadness with a smile. I will see him when I'm better though. I will. I can't leave him forever. Because I love him. I'll see you when I'm better, ok? Ok?

just hide my sadness with a smile

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