Part 15:Love Can Be Amazing

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maka pov

he looks at me blankly. I want to see if he loves me back.

"well?" I ask

"um. I asked you first."

"no you answer me!"

"ladies firsts" he crosses his arms.

"fine lets both answer at the same time. Ok?"

"that's fine with me"

"alright on three... One.... Two....... Three!" Neither of us answer. I glare.



"you do know its almost time to get ready for school right?"

"but..." I look at the clock. Its 6:30. Tsubaki and black star must have dropped by before school. We need to get ready. "ok lets get ready. But when we get back home. You will. Tell me."

"whatever" soul turns around while waving his hand back. After we get to school, we have our EAT class first. Soul is not paying any attention as usual. And I am paying attention, as usual.



"do you know where we are at?"

"page 437"

"where at exactly?" I ask. Soul sighs. he points to the exact spot we were reading at.

"anything else?"

"yeah. What are we talking about?" I ask astonished that he got my first question right.

"about how weapons need to protect their Meister. Even if it mean death. And meisters need to provide for their weapons, if they want to soul resonate and have good teamwork. If not then they will most likely not be able to resonate souls." Soul whispers under his breathe. I stare at him astonished. "what?"

"I am just so amazed on how you did that."

"I do pay attention maka. I just don't read, I listen." He flicks my forehead. The bell rings.


"what now?"

"remember when I got hurt? When we went to kill the guy who was killing young women?"

"how could I forget?"

"well, I protected you then, why can our souls still resonate?"

"maybe our souls are just to perfect together to be torn apart" soul winks at me. I laugh. I hug his arm. Patty sees and yells.

"awe look at them!!!! They are so adorable together! I can't believe they are finally together!"

"uh no, no!" I yell waving my hands.

"hey Liz! They are together!" Patty yells, squishing us together.

"awe finally!" Liz yells walking over to us and grabbing patty. "come on patty we have to get to our next class"

"ok! Lets do this" patty yells running off. After that was all said and done I look at soul.

"well you going to tell me?"

"not till after school" soul says waving his hand walking away. I catch up with him and start talking about something else. I have never been happier.

soul pov

when we get home maka sets her stuff down and looks at me. I know what she wants. But I have stuff planned. I can't tell her yet. I have to tell her later. Or my plans will be ruined.

"tell me!" Maka says putting her hands on her hips.

"maybe later"

"but you said!"

"I never said when after school. Now did I?" I smile a toothy grin. Maka sighs.

"so maka?" I ask sitting down on the couch. She sits next to me


"do you want to go on a walk with me? Its nice outside. And I hate sitting here all day."

"sure. Right now?"


"no I have homework to do, and we have that assignment-" I cut her off.

"so that is a yes?"

"yeah come on" maka laughs. And we are off. This is the day!

maka pov

as me and soul are walking through death city, it starts to get a little dark. We are talking about past times we have had together. We walk through a beautiful forest a little outside of death city. We sit down on a near by bench.

"this is beautiful" I say looking around

"not as much as you" soul whispers under his breath. I pretend not to hear it.

"hey do you remember that time you and black star decide to team up? And you hit his head! Haha I thought you two were secretly gay for each other when you hugged him" I laugh. Soul starts laughing too.

"did you really have to remind me of that?" He starts to get embarrassed. "that was so stupid of me". I grab his hand.

"well remember that time the black blood was taking over and then I started to lick and bite crona's head? And you said it wasn't much different from how I usually am?" Soul starts laughing.

"did you know that crona was a bit scared to get too close to you afterwards because of that!"

"seriously?!" We start laughing.

"yeah we have had a lot of fun for the past 4 years we have been partners." Soul says

"you remember?" I ask happy he remembers how long we have been partners.

"yeah 4 years 2 months and 6 days." I smile brightly.

"you were counting?"

"of course"


"because..."soul starts but doesn't finish.

"because why?" I ask scooting closer to him. He smiles a toothy grin.

"you really want to know?"

"yes indeed I do." I laugh a little.

"alright. So remember the first day we met? When I saved you from those guys that tried to hurt you? Then you found out I was homeless so for the 'debt' that you said you owed me you let me live with you. Then we both went to the dwma and became partners. Well I hated you at first." Soul says looking down at the ground. "I thought you were annoying and rude." I giggle.

"I thought the same thing". soul chuckles.

"well, when you let me live with you for a year, I started to..." He starts. I look at him, and say

"you can tell me." He smiles.

"I started to like you slowly. But after we killed asura, I knew that I had fallen deeply in love with you." I smile so bright that the sun would burn. I hug him.

"I love you maka albarn."

"I love you too soul eater!" Soul sits up. Then he takes my chin and pulls me closer and then. He kisses me.

this is the best day of my life! I love him with all of my heart and more!

love. Can be really amazing.






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