Chapter 6: Demons, Snakes, and Sounds

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"Was that a scream?" Sakura said, "I'm getting nervous." Naruto said nonchalantly, "Puh-lease, this is nothing. Anyway I gotta take a piss." Sakura shouted, "What are you thinking? Doing that in front of a lady!"

Naruto looked back, "Who says I was going to do that in front of you? I don't want you to jump me to compare if little Sasuke-chan is bigger and the lady part is arguable. If you were a lady, you would have assets...and you seriously don't have any."

Before Sakura could comment, Naruto went behind the tree to relieve himself of his bodily functions.

Naruto- The Namikaze just finished relieving himself until he heard something behind. "You is really rude for someone to sneak up on someone doing business with nature." Naruto said, turning to see a lone Ame nin in a beige jumpsuit and a breather.

"Damn, I got the wrong one. I got the wrong one. I'll just impersonate you and take your team's scroll by force." The Rain ninja said. He moved to attack him, but Naruto ducked under his outstretched arm and aimed Ivory at the ninja's temple.

"I don't think that is going to happen...sweet dreams." Then Naruto knocked him out with the butt of his gun and then searched his belongings, "Hmm...some explosive tags, double-ended kunai and...a heaven scroll."Naruto thought, "Sasuke has ours, but if I tell him, he might try to take it from I won't tell them about it." After he tied up the Rain Nin to the tree with his own clothes, he went back to his team. "It is about time, what the hell took you so long?" Sasuke shouted.

"Yeah, Naruto-baka!" Sakura shouted, trying to gain favor with Sasuke.

Naruto commented dryly, "Sorry, it is just so hard to fit it all back in...blame fuckin' genetics." Sasuke and Sakura blushed heavily at the sexual innuendo.

Sasuke recovered first, " I think we need a password just in case we get separated. Assume that they are the enemy no matter what they look like. The phrase, the nin song "Nin-machine", that person must recite this answer, 'A large amount of loud enemies is the friend of the shinobi, hide and remain. A shinobi must understand the proper time when the enemy is tired and ill-prepared.' Got it?"

Sakura nodded and Naruto waved his hand, dismissing Sasuke, "Yeah, yeah, whatever...huh?" Next, a great wind was blasted away Team 7 to different locations, Naruto was pushed the farther since he was in the center of the wind blast.

Sasuke and Sakura- "What was enemy? Sasuke said as he took cover in a nearby bush. Then he came out of hiding to run into Sakura. "Sasuke-kun..." she began to say until Sasuke abruptly interrupted, "Stay away! First, the pass code."

Sakura recited, "A large amount of loud enemies is the friend of the shinobi, hide and remain. A shinobi must understand the proper time when the enemy is tired and ill-prepared." Sasuke lowered his guard, "Okay, you are clear, we just need to regroup with the dobe."

Sure enough, Naruto came out, saying, "Ow...that hurt like a bitch."

Sakura said, "Naruto...the codeword."

Naruto smiled, "A large amount of loud enemies is the friend of the shinobi, hide and remain. A shinobi must understand the proper time when the enemy is tired and ill-prepared." Sakura let out a sigh and Sasuke smirked to throw a kunai at Naruto. Naruto dodged the projectile, "What the fuck, Sasuke?!" he shouted.

Sasuke retorted, "You are not Naruto, he didn't listen to a word I said and he obviously didn't care about the passphrase, but at least you are good enough to dodge my attacks." 'Naruto' smiled and disappeared in a puff of smoke as he said, "Impressive that you knew I was a fake. This will be more fun than I anticipated."

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