Chapter 7: Preliminaries Part I

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Hakureisaiga- Time to answer some reviews since I'm bored and time for a special treat for you. The Chunin Exam Preliminaries

Snake 1980- You are somewhat correct. Hinata, Anko, and Tenten are definitely in the harem, Temari and the others are still undecided, but I have something planned for each of them.

Sephiroth owns it all: Thanks for the comment, keep reviewing and reading

God of all: Thanks, I look forward to reading your own story

Raven Marcus: Thanks a lot!

Naruto: C'mon, start the story, I wanna kick some ass!

Hakureisaiga- Fine! Start!

Chapter 7-The Preliminaries Part 1

Naruto and Sakura were brought before the Hokage. "Hello, Naruto, Sakura!" Sarutobi said. "Sup, jii-san!" Naruto said with a grin. Sakura smacked his head, "Naruto, show the Hokage some respect." Sarutobi said, "It is alright, Sakura, me and Naruto have a deeper relationship than Hokage and subordinate, plus it's a habit of his."

The Hokage rested his chin on his intertwined hands, "Tell me what happened in the forest."

Sakura said, "We were in the forest when a blast of wind blew us away. Naruto was blasted further away since he was in the middle of the blast. Then this creepy guy named Orochimaru came to us, disguised as a kunoichi from Kusa. He attacked us with snakes, then Naruto appeared and fought him off, but he seems fatigued from a previous fight and then the proctor came, but Orochimaru did something with his head and bit Sasuke on the neck, leaving a strange mark near his shoulder. Then he ran off with the proctor pursuing him."

The Hokage said to Naruto, "What happened to you?"

Naruto looked and summoned Gilgamesh, "Does this answer your question, oji-san?"

Sarutobi said, "Already, eh?!"

Naruto said, "Yep, but she was crazy and fast. Hell, I had trouble keeping up with her and she was always mouthing about her forest and her children, but I manage to kill her and gain this."

Sakura said, "What are you two talking about and Naruto, how did you do that?" Naruto said, "Sakura, I want you to keep this a secret. The only ones who know are oji-san, Kakashi-sensei, and Orochimaru."

Sakura said, "Fine!"

Naruto said, "For starters, my name is not Naruto Uzumaki, it is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Sparda, the son of the Fourth Hokage."

Sakura said, "You are the Fourth's son?!"

Naruto said, "Not only that, but the Kyuubi is not dead, my father had no choice but to seal it into a newborn baby, someone who he could trust."

Sakura said, shocked, " were the...."

Naruto said, "Yes, I am the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune and that is not all. I am also a human-devil hybrid, granting me a high pain tolerance, instant regeneration of wounds, and this."

Naruto concentrated and his arm brought forth the Devil Bringer, "This arm allows me to shoot an extended version of my hand to punch, grab, or throw objects bigger than myself. When I was blown away from you guys, I had killed Orochimaru's snake, then a barrier appeared and I was forced to fight some demons. After I defeated them, one of the Devil Arms that my mother released and secluded in appeared: Echidna the She-Viper attacked me. I won and she gave me Gilgamesh after she disappeared."

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