Chapter 21: Influx of Power

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Hakureisaiga: I apologize for the typos and the 'unfinished' chapter, really not used to Microsoft Skydrive that much at all, but now here you all are

Chapter 21- Influx of Power

Meanwhile in an underground base, Kabuto Yakushi was in a lot of pain and the weird thing about it was that he was laughing at it. "I have finally done it..." he said to himself, he closed his hands and flexed them.

He punched a nearby wall, making it crack under pressure and collapse, "With Naruto-kun's blood coursing through my veins and Orochimaru's integrated cells...I will be unstoppable." The white haired ninja turned to the intricate seals on the floor as well as the bodies of prisoners that 'generously' gave their lives to accomplish his goals.

" vengeance begins!" Kabuto shouted as he slammed both of his palms into the ground, the seal absorbed the blood of the prisoners and their bodies, turning into a deep red light and soon shadows appeared out of the seal one by one.

Kabuto smiled, "Thanks to the journal that Orochimaru kept, these men will be very good business partners." First to materialize was a bald man that was dressed to look like a priest and had a burn mark on one side of his face that almost seemed alive, but the most surprising this figure had was the same eyes as Tenten's, only filled with malice, his name was Arkham.

The next to appear was a tall, pale man who dressed as a bureaucrat, he had an aura of demonic essence lingering from him, and his name was Arius. Next to the businessman was a lesser demon, his eyes were both loose and he had a burn mark on the side of his face, his name was Sid. Soon two more figures appeared from the runic symbols, an old man dressed in Vicar's clothes and a monocle-wearing man, fair-skinned and slightly hunching...this duo were both named Sanctus and Agnus respectively in that order.

Arkham looked around, "What is this place?"

Kabuto answered, "This is the human world, a different dimension that is a bit more primitive than that world you are familiar, here...humans have powerful essence called chakra and can utilize that chakra to create jutsu or bloodlines...some bloodlines are powerful enough to control demons. I need your help to stand with me against a common foe that you all have encountered in your pursue to power."

Agnus said, "The Spardas..."

Kabuto nodded, "Correct, I need all of us to work together to bring down the Spardas, all of which are still alive by the way, so Arkham and Sid, you two will work together to defeat Vergil. Sanctus and Agnus, you two will deal with Nero Sparda. As for me, I will deal with Dante...and together, we will deal with his successor, Naruto Uzumaki. He has been trained by all three of them in their arts and also a part of this world, making all of our skills to take him down."

Sanctus replied, "Why should we trust you, Kabuto?"

"Because...I am your only shot at taking down your enemies. I have no qualms about you all pursuing your paths to power, just that I get my revenge against Naruto Sparda for killing my master...although I suppose I have to thank him as well, I would have never had gotten this powerful without him."

Arkham was silent for a moment and replied, "In order for this to work, we will need more people in doubt, the Sparda made allies in this world as well." Kabuto smirked, "Not to worry, I have that covered..."

He snapped his fingers and several figures came out of the shadows to greet the five. "May I introduce Guren, Raiga Kurosuki, Kiminaro Kaguya, Kakuzu...and my revived subordinates, Sakon, Ukon, Jirobo, Kidomaru, Danzo Shimura, Hizashi Hyuga, Hanzo the Salamander, Ameyuri Ringo, Tatewaki, Pakura,
Mangetsu Hozuki."

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