Part 1

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I wake screaming like I have every night since my accident. The images of that man clear in my mind and I was afraid of him hurting me once again. I could hear someone run into my room and I glance over at the door afraid of who would walk in. If it was father he would just yell at me for waking him. Akito would sigh and tell me to write in the journal like my doctor told me to and Yuuichi would complain about me waking him when he needs a good night sleep before work. I relax the moment my favorite older brother Kyoya walks into the room and over to my bed. "Did you have that dream again?" Kyoya asks as he takes my hand. I nod slowly feeling tears fall down my face ashamed that I was still having these nightmare. "Kiku he can't hurt you any more remember? Dad made sure of it a long time ago. It's been six years since it happened." Kyoya says and I sniff a little. "I know nii-chan but that doesn't stop the dreams. I'm scared." I say as I raise my hand to touch my left eye but Kyoya brushes my hand away before giving a small sigh and he leans closer to me so he was looking into my eyes, eye. "Kiku your starting school with me tomorrow are you excited?" He asks with a soft smile. Kyoya acted distant with everyone in the family but me, mostly because I was the youngest in the family. "A little. I'm scared people will make fun of me." I say as I look at him and he sighs softly before pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my head. "I know but no one would dare make fun of my little sister. If they do they will regret it." He says determination flashing in his grey eyes that matched mine. I was like a female version of Kyoya, my eyes and hair matching his the only difference between us was I didn't need glasses like him and I was missing an eye.

"I don't want to cause problems nii-chan." I whisper and he sighs softly. "I know Kiku." He mummers as he smooths down my hair. He was making me forget all about my nightmares like he always did. Dad wouldn't let me sleep in Kyoya's room when I had them now that he was seventeen, I was still fifteen my sixteenth birthday would be in about three months, so dad said it wasn't appropriate that I sleep in the same bed as him. "Nii-chan will you stay here with me until I fall back asleep? I don't want the nightmares to come back." I whisper and Kyoya gives a small sigh before nodding his head and laying down next to me letting me cuddle with him as I close my eyes. "Things will be fine. I have you Kiku just like always." Kyoya says as he plays with my hair. I nod knowing that Kyoya would always have my back no matter what. I fall into a peaceful sleep in my brother's hold.

The next morning I get up and change into the dress I was given. Since my accident I hated wearing bright colors plus the looked horrible on me so the school agreed to let me were a darker color dress so long as it had long sleeves which was fine it should help hide the scars on my arms. I knew I would stand out a little in my dark purple dress. I nervously smooth out my dress several times as I look at myself in the mirror. I was really worried people would make fun of me seeing as how my hair was styled to cover my left eye covering it completely. There was a knock on my bedroom door and I glance over at it. "Come in." I call softly and Kyoya walks into my room. He smiles softly when his eyes land on me. "You look beautiful Kiku." He says making me smile softly. "Thank you nii-chan." I say a small blush forming on my face. "But you will look even better with this in your hair." Kyoya says before he places the red chrysanthemum clip in my hair holding it back on the right. After all my name did mean chrysanthemum so it was natural for him to give me one. "Nii-chan." I mumble but he chuckles a little. "It's time to go to school now. You have your class list and mine?" He asks me as he picks up my bag with his free hand. "Yes nii-chan. I have them and I have my cell phone as well as the laptop that you wanted me to bring with me." I say and he smirks a little before nodding his head a few time. "Come to music room number three if anyone gives you a hard time and text me the moment you get there. I will come deal with things. Go there once school is over as well and I will meet you for lunch." Kyoya says as we walk to the limo. I didn't eat much in the morning and I was so nervous about the way people would react to seeing me. Kyoya agreed to me walking about a block from school there because I wasn't comfortable with the whole school knowing right away that we were related.

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