Part 17

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I was supposed to have a girls day with Haruhi but she call to cancel it saying she needed to do something. Besides that I had been feeling a little under the weather the last few days. I was just about to take a nap when my door opens and I hear an annoying voice talking to me but I roll over ignoring it and pulling the light blanket tightly over myself. I had fallen asleep in just a tank top and my underwear last night not something I normally do but I just hadn't been feeling like myself. "Quiet down Tamaki. I told you she wasn't feeling very well." Kyoya grumbles but that doesn't stop Tamaki from saying something and I feel a tug at my blanket making me scrunch up my face in annoyance. "Leave her be." Mori says but that only makes the tugging get worst. I grip the blanket for dear life as I notice the tugging was coming from more than one direction. "Nii-chan stop." I groan before snuggling into my pillow. I snap my eyes open when I feel the cold air on my exposed skin and a yelp from the others. "Get out!" I scream as I try to cover myself up but they were in shock staring at my scars. Mori had the decency to look away from me and cover Honey's eyes. Kyoya grabs the blanket from the twins and wraps it tightly around me so I was all the way covered up. "Your legs...." Tamaki stutters and I look away from him. Seeing as how I had been sleeping my hair was wild and all over the place so my eye was uncovered. I feel a single tear start to fall but before it got to far it was whipped away by Kyoya.

"Your feverish." He mumbles as he places his forehead to mine and I give a small sigh as he does so. The twins had snapped out of it and were now on ether side of Mori poking fun at him. "A bunch a boys saw your girlfriend in her night clothes." They say and Mori glares at them. "I told you to leave her alone." Mori grumbles before giving me a concerned look. "We're going to leave Kiku here. I don't think it would do her any good to drag her over to Haruhi's today." Kyoya says and I frown a little before crossing my arms over my chest. "I was supposed to go see Haruhi..... it was going to be girls day but then I didn't feel so great. She told me to get better." I say and my brother sighs before nodding his head a little before patting the top of it. "Fine. Get some sleep." He says before standing a dark look now on his face. "I think we all need to have a little talk now don't you think." Kyoya says in a scary sounding tone making the club stiffen a little. They all start too walk out but Mori hangs back for a few minutes. "Feel better. Sorry." He says before kissing my forehead then glancing at the door. "Text me and let me know what's going on. Keep my nii-chan and yourself out of trouble." I say as I wave at him and he nods before closing the door behind him. I fall over on the bed and fall asleep.

Kyoya's pov.

The whole ride over to Haruhi's I scold the twins and Tamaki for looking at my sister when she was dressed that way. Mori had the decadency to look away as well as cover Honey's eyes so I wasn't yelling at them as much. When I was done Tamaki looked like I had killed his dog or something. "Kyoya we weren't staring because of how she was dressed. We've never seen the scars on her legs before." Tamaki says and I flinch a little before looking away from them. "Some of them looked really deep." Hikaru says and I glance over at him as well as his brother who was nodding his head a little. "Or they had been cut several times." Kaoru says making me sigh catching their attention once again. "Your all to apologize to her once you see her again." I say in a firm tone making them nod their head quickly. When we get to Haruhi's we find out that she was gone and she was taken by the zuka club. It was decided by Tamaki to go save her and Haruhi's father comes with us. After Ranka's story and Tamaki talking about getting the uniform for the school my mind drifts to my sister.

"We could ask Kiku to go in and get her." The twins says and Ranka glances over at me as if silently asking me what I though of this. "No." Mori says from his spot next to Honey only making Ranka frown a little. "Why not? Haruhi and Kiku are friends. I'm sure she would help out." Ranka says and he looks at me as if telling me to make the call. "They are friends but my princess isn't going in that school. No way." Mori says as he crosses his arms a small scowl on his face. Well this was interesting. I knew he was still a little annoyed over the girls at our school confessing to my sister but still this was interesting to see from him. "Your princess? She's Kyoya's sister so he has the final say." Ranka say as he looks at me once again. "Kiku can come if she is feeling up to it and if she choose to help then fine. But I have to agree with Mori that it might be something Kiku doesn't want to do." I say before pulling out my hone and calling my sister who doesn't answer me at all. I notice Mori on his phone as well but he was texting someone making me wonder just who he was talking to.

"Strange Kiku isn't answering her phone. She must have fallen back asleep." I mumble and we look for another way into the school. Well the others find a way to blend in as part of a fan club but I make a few calls. As I was waiting I was shocked when someone walks over to me. "I knew you were going to get into some kind of trouble nii-chan." Kiku says, her hair was pulled up into a bun but her eye was still covered, she had on jeans and a nice button up top. "I wasn't expecting you to show up. How are you feeling?" I ask as I take her hand and we walk together to where I was to meet with the person in-charge of all of this. "Better. Now what is this about the zuka club taking Haruhi and why did you let my boyfriend run off with Tamaki and the others?" Kiku says making me sigh softly before I pat her head a few times. "I was busy thinking of a way in without having to put on one of those horrid tops. As for Mori you know he is going to go wherever Honey does." I say making my sister scowl. The woman who was giving me a tour comes into eye sight and she glances at my sister before blushing lightly. We get a tour and Kiku keeps a tight grip on my arm. "Miss would you be interested in going to meet some of the girls who are acting in today's play? You might like going here." The woman says and I try hard not to scowl at her. After all I needed to keep my cool to stay up here. "That isn't necessary. She will be staying at my side. Won't you dear?" I say as I glance over at my sister who nods her head. We watch the play and Kiku looked horrified to see Haruhi up there on stage. I have to say I was as well but then again better her than my sister. I get the woman out of the way and throw up the picture of Haruhi's kiss. "That's horrid." Kiku mumbles before she slaps my arm a little making me glance over at her. "It's to help Haruhi." I point out and my sister huffs a little before looking out at the stage once again.

Kiku's pov.

Once the whole incident was over with I walk with Kyoya to meet up with the others. "Look it's Kiku-kun." Honey cheers catching the attention of the girl in-charge of the zuka club. "Feeling better?" The twins asks and I nod my head only making myself a little dizzy. Truth was I still felt like I was sick to my stomach but I had wanted to help Haruhi any way I could. "Madien you can to see us?" The zuka club leader asks and I give her a blank look before walking past her over to Haruhi. "I got worried when Mori and nii-chan said you were in trouble. You should have told me earlier on the phone when you canceled our plans the zuka club took you. I was worried." I say and Haruhi laugh a little before rubbing the back of her neck a few times. I know most everyone was watching me. "Well you said you weren't feeling to good so I didn't want to worry you. Sorry Kiku." Haruhi says before she looks over at her dad who had a worried look as he glances over at me. The woman from the zuka club gets between us. "You maiden will help me get my revenge right?" The woman asks and I scowl at her before backing up, into Mori who wraps his arm around my waist. "I... I... no." I stutter as I feel my legs give out but Mori holds me up. "I think that's a bad idea." Tamaki says as he waves his hands around as if to stop what was going on. Mori picks me up and set me on his shoulder keeping me away from the woman who looked like she wanted to kiss me or something.

"She wants to kiss you." Tamaki yells as he points at me and I frown a little at his words. "No way. Why would I want to kiss a girl?" I say as I wave my hands in front of me before resting a hand on Mori's head. The woman looked put out so she leaves us alone. We head to Hauhi's house but I felt whipped out. I had used he last of my energy catching up with my brother and the others. I rest my head on Mori's shoulder as we all have tea. "Kiku dear are you alright?" Ranka asks as he gets closer to me and I nod but move closer to Mori who pulls me into his side and gently pats my head. "You pushed yourself by coming to help." Mori says making me laugh a little before I cough a little. "Yes I guess I did. But you were in trouble Takashi so was Haruhi and nii-chan." I say making him sigh softly. "Dad leave Kiku alone. She is sick and she came running to help me." Haruhi says as she pulls on her dad's arm. In that moment I was jealous of her connection with her dad. "Wait Mori called her his princess earlier. Do you know what that is all about?" Ranka asks and my cheeks burn, from a blush or my cold I wasn't sure. I turn to look up at Mori before laughing a little. "Silly knight." I laugh making the others look at us confused but Mori just blushes a little. "I was just protecting my princess." He says and I nod my head a few times. "That's right Ranka you don't know. Mori and Kiku are dating." Hikaru says and Ranka's eyes go wide. "Dating? Your letting you littler sister date someone?" Ranka asks as he looks at my brother who gives a small sigh. "He asked for permission. Besides Kiku acts more and more like her old self the longer she is with him." Kyoya says. Not long after we all head home, I start to fall asleep using Kyoya's lap as a pillow. "You pushed yourself to much today little sister. Honestly I didn't mean to make you worry so much about us." Kyoya says and I smile a little at his words before letting sleep take over.

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