oneshot- t h e c a r d

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c h r i s t m a s c a r d

Hey! Merry Christmas. How've you been? Since you're with your mom now I figured you celebrate Christmas. I'm sending all my friends Christmas Cards this year and I just had to give you one too.

I'm sitting on the dining room, staring at our Christmas tree, thinking of what I'm gonna write in this card. You know I'm not a chatty girl on text. Mom and Dad are in the living room watching reruns of football games. I can hear them screaming for their own teams.

Everytime I see a football, I think of you. I remember watching your football practices and cheering for you. You always had your game face on. Your throws were amazing. Although you do many sports, there's something different between you and football. You're very passionate about it. I hope you still play. It would be a huge loss for your school if you didn't.

I'm still in cheerleading, if you're wondering. I can do a needle now! After those long hours of stretching, I can finally do a needle. I hope you're proud of me. You're the one who encouraged me in dance and cheerleading. I'm so glad you did.

I want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have joined cheerleading. Because of you, I gave cheerleading a chance and even became good friends. They're not at all bitches like others say. Some love to cook, some do well at school while some even do fine in school like me. We're all very different in a way. One thing binds us all together though, and that's our love for dance and cheerleading. I'm happy to have met them.

You also made me realized that not all jocks are egotistical and cocky. You and your friends who play football aren't bad guys. You're hilarious, really, and easy to get along with. I guess that's the reason why many of the girls in every grade have crushes on you.

To be a honest, I was one of those girls. I liked you a lot. I couldn't help it. We were close and you were a great guy. Sometimes, I thought you were flirting with me. Those late night texts and movie dates we had with friends would at least mean something, right? But I never told you. I couldn't. I heard that you liked another girl in our class. You never really courted her, but you obviously liked her alot. That was it though. You texted her alot, you texted me alot too. You would sit next to me in class and bug me then sometimes you would sit next to her and flirt with her.

I didn't know what to feel. I know it's just some crush, but there's a tiny hope in me that you liked me more than you liked her. Because I knew that you were much closer with me than you were with her. You told me about your family. Your problems at home. How you hated living with your grandparents and how much you missed your mom. You told me everything.

I thought that we could have been something. I wanted to confess my feelings but I was too afraid of rejection. Come to think of it, I'm glad I didn't. We were close friends and that's enough for me.

Then the day came. It was a few weeks in November of our sophomore year when you told me you were moving to Canada. You'd be living with your mom. You were so happy and excited about it.

Do you remember when you left on Christmas Break? I knew you didn't celebrate Christmas, but I still gave you a gift, like I did every year. You had a goofy smile on your face. I was on the verge of crying back then, but I kept it all in, knowing that you were so excited about this. You said you'd miss me and that we'd keep in touch.

We did keep in touch, up until a few months after you left. You told me about your experiences there while I kept you updated on what was happening here. You also kept telling me that you'd come visit soon. You never did. Unfortunately, I became busy with school. Time passed and we drifted apart.

Now, it's Christmas time again. I miss you a lot. I hope you're doing great there and that you're having a merry, merry Christmas with your family. Keep safe and I'll see you soon.

your friend

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