Chapter 2

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"This is so unfair! It wasn't even me!"I say angrily.

"You were there when Mr.Jones caught the boys smoking in the qaud." She says calmly, "Therefore you get in trouble to."

"Mrs. Dale, I swear I didn't smoke with them."I say truthfully. She has to believe me. I've been trying so hard not to get in trouble, why would I mess it up over something this stupid?

"You have detention today and tomorrow, good day Ivan, you're excused" Mrs.Dale says.

Detention isn't to bad... at least it wasn't suspension like the other boys. I'm still upset about the whole situation though. I promised my mom I would do better.

My mom has stage 3 breast cancer. We just found out almost a month ago. Before that I would get into trouble all the time. I would get suspended, detention on the daily. But once we found out about her breast cancer I promised her I would do better. Ivan she's your mom, I know this is only detention bu- ...My thoughts are cut off by someone running into me.

"Ugh, what the hell! Watch where you're going!" I say. I'm already frustrated enough. She looks up, I can tell she's embarrassed.

"S-sorry" she stutters.

"Yeah,sure" I reply sarcastically. Her face expression turned from embarrassed to mad.

"Why are you being such a jerk? I said sorry and clearly that wasn't enough for you. I don't know who you are but you have no right to be that rude." She replys. She seems shocked she would say something like that. That took me a little by suprised to... I didn't realize I was going to make her this angry. I just say "Whatever," and walk away because I'm not in the mood at the moment.

I haven't seen that girl around so she must be new. She seemed nervous too. I wonder why. I shouldnt have been that rude to her. I can't help it when I get angry though. I have anger problems and now that my mom has cancer they got worse.

I can't loose my mom. My dad left us about five years ago. If my mom dies how am I supposed to care for my little sister and myself? I'm only a junior in highschool. I look down to see that my knuckles are white from me clenching my hands.

I take a seat at a bench in the hallway. I need to calm down. I try counting to 10. It's not working... I take deep breaths and I seem a little better. But I can feel tears down my face. You have to try harder at being good, for your mom.

I try to get my mind off things and my mind wanders to what happened in the hallway. She had black hair that goes to her mid stomach. She had green eyes and was kind of short compared to me. I feel bad for blowing up on her in the hallway. Next time I see her I should apologize...
A/N : Okay, so i don't know why it has numbers by the chapter and the first paragraph but I have no idea how to get rid of it. I really hope you guys are liking it so far. You guys can comment or message me. (: Do any of you know how to add cast members? lol.. anyways like, comment , & vote .thanks (:

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