Chapter 4

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Jessica looks over at me with wide eyes. I laugh a little. She must be a goodie goodie, because no one gets that scared about a teacher catching you pass notes.

"You guys have just earned yourself detention tomorrow too." He says. I didn't bother tell him that I already had detention tomorrow because he would've gave it to me the next day too and I don't need that.

I see Jessica put her head down. Her first day and she already has detention today and tomorrow. I can't help but notice how gorgeous she is. And when she smiled I got butterflies. I feel bad for giving her another detention, maybe I'll offer her a ride home. Or we can go somewhere.

"Detentions over. Feel free to leave." Mr. Smith says.

I get up and walk out of the room. I wait up for Jessica.

"Hey Jessica, sorry about getting you another detention. I feel bad. Can I give you a ride home or we can go out to eat or something?"I ask. I'm kinda nervous she'll say no.

"U-uhm sure, l-let me text my brother and t-tell him I will be h-home a l-little late." She says. She's a shy girl. I can tell by the way she stutters. It's kinda cute. I really shouldn't be thinking that.

She pulls out her phone and texts her brother.

"All set?" I say smiling.

"Yeah, all set," she says laughing a little.

We walk across the parking lot over to my car. I open the passenger door and wait for her to get in. I walk over and get into the drivers seat and drive out of the parking lot.

"So do you want to get something to eat or ...?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure" she says.
A/N: Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I don't have wifi and I feel bad... If you guys like my book please vote and comment. It would also mean alot if you refer my book to your friends. Not alot of people are reading it ): I guess that's kind of my fault though... I'm sorry !!!! Anyways if you guys have any ideas on how the story should go feel free to message me. I'm open to ideas. Thanks.                       ~Araceli

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