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  Rising Signs  

Aries Ascendant/Rising: makes you look open, lively, independent and dominant

Taurus Ascendant/Rising: makes you look calm, stable and confident

Gemini Ascendant/Rising: makes you look communicative, funny, positive and curious

Cancer Ascendant/Rising: makes you look shy, subtle, kind and intuitive

Leo Ascendant/Rising: makes you look magnetically attractive, expressive, strong and eloquent

Virgo Ascendant/Rising: makes you look more reserved, careful, analytical and nervous

Libra Ascendant/Rising: makes you look charming, optimistic, friendly and tolerant

Scorpio Ascendant/Rising: makes you look mysterious, quiet, thoughtful, secretive

Sagittarius Ascendant/Rising: makes you look cheerful, direct, stubborn, honest

Capricorn Ascendant/Rising: makes you look careful, controlled, serious and dedicated to details

Aquarius Ascendant/Rising: makes you look idealistic, progressive, friendly, rebellious

Pisces Ascendant/Rising: makes you look romantic, sensitive, unsure, adaptable, creative

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