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More Rising Sign Crap, sorry XD

How you appear to others, initial responses, and the mask you wear in public.

Aries: dominant, impulsive, active, goal-oriented, earnest

Taurus: patient, calm, materialistic, sensual, stubborn

Gemini: communicative, witty, social, networking, flighty

Cancer: nurturing, moody, sympathetic, stable, determined

Leo: elegant, generous, loyal, self-centered, melodramatic

Virgo: conscientious, modest, organized, perfectionist, finicky

Libra: diplomatic, social, elegant, judging, inconsistent

Scorpio: discerning, intriguing, sensitive, secretive, cruel

Sagittarius: adventurous, optimistic, lively, opinionated, rude

Capricorn: realistic, ambitious, dedicated, stiff, cold

Aquarius: unique, friendly, idealistic, detached, condescending

Pisces: passive, creative, sensitive, impractical, escapist

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