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Signs As People I Know:
(This is all based on the people I, the author, know in real life who have these signs)

Aries: a usually kind person, but can take their jokes way too far. They're definitely on the smarter side and sometimes I swear danger can be their middle names. They can get offended easily, and things that are a big deal to some, aren't to them.

Taurus: a major control freak who can get pretty bossy, pretty quickly. But when not acting like Dr. Phil, they can be pretty down to earth and chill. They like cleaning and take pride in all they do.

Gemini: Not as insane as the stereotypes say. Though they love things being their way and they can get pretty manipulative at times. They're usually fun to be around and hanging out with them can really be the time of your life.

Cancer: Pretty chill. Like way too chill, it's unnatural. They try their best to get things the way they want it. Some I know are emotional, but the others are a lovable brick wall. They're incredibly smart and unique. Also pretty understanding.

Leo: Goes back and forth from being the meanest person you know to the nicest, I guess it depends on the day. They're pretty intuitive and creative. They take pride in everything they do and nothing can sway them. Stubborn and ridiculous at times too.

Virgo: Not as much of a control freak as you may think. They're almost as chill as Cancer. They can really fit in with any crowd and enjoy being with friends. They're clever and making mistakes only makes them a million times stronger.

Libra: The most dramatic, yet most dangerous people I know. They're huge flirts who live on the wild side and I don't think I'll ever see one lose it. They're tons of fun to be around and they'll have you doing things you never thought you'd do in a million years.

Scorpio: Not all about death, I swear. They're extremely outgoing and when you're with them, you'll never get bored. They like good impressions and are about as flirty as Libra sometimes. They try to be happy but do sometimes get random depressive hits.

Sagittarius: The darkest yet lightest people I know. Though whatever side they're on, they all love having things go their way. They have to be in control. Getting things pleases them immensely and they're also pretty clever as well.

Capricorn: They couldn't care at all how you're doing. Though despite that, they're pretty good friends, and they're also extremely wild. When it comes to book smarts, they sort of lack, but when it comes to the streets, they may as well be a genius.

Aquarius: Just like the stereotype says, they're unique and un-emotional. Despite that, they really do care a lot for people. They're pretty smart and sly, and you really can't get anything past them.

Pisces: The most difficult people you'll ever meet. One minute they're all over you, and the next, they're crying and screaming on the floor. Everything they see, they want. No matter it be a person, or an object. You can never be too careful.

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