Figuring Things Out

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A/N: thank you guys for all the support. I haven't uploaded in a while only like because my apple actually kinda deleted my chapter that I had wrote so I just haven't been in the mood to write anything. I was so proud of the chapter that I wrote but I promise that I will upload. Here is a chapter. I will have the every other day going again. So sorry. Hope you enjoy.

Josh's P.O.V.

"Okay. So, how should we start?" Simon asked as he started to login to the computer.

"I don't know. Just title it FIFA." I said not really caring about the project.

"Okay.  What will write about FIFA?" Simon asked.

"You know our favorite things. Like how my favorite team is Millwall." I said.

"That's weird. I only met one other guy who likes that team." He said laughing.

"Hey! It is a really good team." I said in offense to his statement.

"Yeah. That's what he said back to me when I told him I knew no one. He is actually really cool. His name is-" He then paused and I realized that I made a humongous mistake.

"His name is what?" I questioned trying to act all cool.

"His name is Josh?" Simon questioned very slowly.

"Well that is a weird coincidence." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, that is a weird coincidence." He said dragging out all the words that he said.

"Anyway, what is your favorite team?" I asked.

"I don't really have one." He said.

"Oh, wow. Really?! Everyone has favorites." I said.

"Yeah. Well I don't like picking favorites. I will support any team I watch." He said.

We then finished up the project.

"It's coming out pretty good." He said.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Thanks for opening up." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah. I guess once I got to know you I kinda got comfortable enough to tell you those things." I said.

"Yeah. It's not like I was asking you a bunch of personal questions." He said laughing.

"Yeah." I said laughing with him.

"Maybe you would want to hang out later. I could show you the guy who likes Millwall!" He said emphasizing Millwall.

"Nah. I think I am busy anyway. Thanks for the offer." I said, knowing I would blow the cover if I did.

"Okay." He said as the bell then rang.

"Talk to you later?" I asked.

"Yeah, see you around." He said as we then walked out of the library and went different ways.


It was then the end of the day. I started to walk to my car so that I could wait for Tobi and Vik. I then saw her standing there waiting for me. I was going to go back inside before she had spotted me.

"Hey Freya." I said as I got closer to the car.

"Hey! Why did you leave before in the cafeteria? I think Rebecca has a crush on your friend." She said talking about one of her friends.

"Yeah. I don't think he would like her." I said trying to protect him.

The truth is, is that I like him. That is why I didn't tell him that I was the guy he has been talking to online.

"Really?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah, he's different. He is looking for the one. He isn't like other guys." I said.

"Oh so he is like you?" She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Look-" I said before Vik had cut me off as he jumped on top of my back.

"Hey what are you two love birds doing?" Vik yelled straight into my ear.

"I guess I'll talk to you later. Love you." She said as she waved goodbye.

"Bye." I said as she walked away.

"Why don't I ever hear you say I love you back?" Tobi questioned.

"I don't know. I don't really feel that way." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Is this about that guy?" Tobi asked.

Him and Vik found out about Simon about a week ago. Ever since they always ask me questions about him.

"What do you mean?" I said as my voice started to become high pitched.

"You like him." Vik said nudging me.

"Do you like him Josh? You can be completely honest with us." Tobi said.

"No! Okay I don't like him. At least I don't think I do," I said looking down," No! I don't. That would go against my dad's plan for me. I am suppose to go to Yale and marry a beautiful girl and having three amazing kids. I've already gotten into Yale and I am not going to let a guy who I am questioning get in the way."

I then went back into my car.

"Are you coming?" I yelled from inside the car.

"Yeah." Tobi said as he then looked back at Vik and then they both got in the car.

A/N: just wanted to say sorry again about that whole entire dilemma. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will be uploading every other day just like before. Also I am starting up a Pack AU soon, so look out for that.

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