Chapter 8 birthday wishes

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Chapter 8-- birthday wishes

The days after that went by in a blur. It's Saturday; my sixteenth birthday. Tyler said she was coming at twelve o'clock and Piper said he'd come whenever he can get off work; he worked at the local store and he only had a three hour shift today. He started at twelve and finished at, obviously, three. I had my shower and was wearing a purple top, a black, long sleeve underneath, with light, blue-grey jeans.

Mum made a cake and bought some snacks but she didn't get me a present which to me just being there was good enough. She was a good mum and I really did love her but it's just that I can't talk to her about anything; she just won't understand. No one will.

I was lying on my bed when I noticed it was almost twelve, I jumped up and ran out the front to wait for Tyler.

Within five minutes she pulled up and she was walking down the pathway. We grabbed some of the snacks mum had put out and walked into my room closing the door. This isn't the sweet sixteenth party everyone wants, but for me it was enough.

Tyler jumped onto my bed, splayed out on top. "What've you been doing lately?" She asked, though she wasn't real interested in what I had to say, but I surprised her when I mentioned Piper. She perked up and asked, "is he hot?" Her eyes were glistening with anticipation on listening to my story as I told her. By the time I had told her what he looks like and what he's like and what we had been doing she was in a daze and practically drooling. She was not a virgin unlike me and she also had a boyfriend named Luke, scene, lean and beautiful. She often went off with him at recess and lunch at school and told me the gory details later. I knew Piper wasn't my boyfriend, I didn't think so anyway, and I shouldn't really gloat about something I don't have.

"What's his name?" She asked eagerly.

"Piper." I said and she scoffed; obviously thinking it was a silly, but I don't care because I liked it.

"Silly name," she said as much and I rolled my eyes at her briefly. We sat there for a while eating, playing the PS3 and talking about guys. We played some 'piece the veil' and danced around in the little confined space of my room.

At half past three Piper knocked on my bedroom door and as I opened it I jumped with glee knowing who it was.

He bent down, a hand on my waist, gave me a peck on the lips and whispered, "sorry, was having a shower," I almost screamed, Tyler was always showing off with her boyfriend to me and I was glad Piper did that. I turned around to see Tyler's face in total awe as she stared at us.

"Tyler, this is-" she cut me off with a high pitched squeal that made me flinch.

"Piper," she guessed and I smiled at the scene. Evidently she thought he was as beautiful as I'm always thinking he is. "Want something to eat?" I asked Piper, he nodded and politely took a few biscuits which he swallowed with scarcely chewing. Guys, I thought.

"Um... What do you want to do?" I asked Tyler and Piper.

Tyler looked like she was thinking hard before she said, "why don't we go to the park, buy some water bombs maybe?" She wondered and I thought about it for a second and then nodded. Tyler loved fun, even if it meant to act like her shoe size and not her age. She had already brought money, I told her not to buy me anything so she just brought money with her. Piper nodded, though it didn't look like he was entirely listening; eyes like fire on me like he wanted to take me right there and then. Obvious much, I thought.
We walked down the road, bought the balloons and walked to the park. There was luckily a garden tap there to fill the balloons up and once they were filled we all went to different places in the park behind a tree each. Our 'bases', the rules are that if we get hit, then we lose ten points and we have to make it all the way around to our bases back to our own, if we hit someone else we get fifteen points. We have to keep going around until someone loses all their points and balloons; we have fifty points to start with.

"One." Piper yelled out, "two. Three."

I looked hastily around making sure nobody was near me yet and then made a run for the next tree, I hid behind it, I saw Tyler run and I chucked a balloon at her leg and quickly jumped back behind the tree. I had just got her and I received fifteen points. She grunted and hid behind her own tree. I made a run for the next tree at the same time, I noticed, as Piper, he struck me in the back and I leaped behind the next tree, shielding myself behind it.

He laughed.

I saw Tyler make a run for it and before I could think of hitting her, another balloon flew straight at her arm and while Piper and Tyler were distracted I made a run for the next tree which was about twenty feet away and just before I reached it I was struck in the chest by Tyler and I heard a laugh from her. Great. Need more points, I thought. I saw Piper run this time and attempted to fire, he was too quick, I'm gonna try wait until he's closer. I sat there for two minutes. No one moved until Piper decided to take the run. Okay, good; he was closer. I waited there until he moved again, but when I tried to throw it, it hit a tree instead and now he was closer. Shit, I thought. It was just a game, I reminded myself. I saw Tyler run in between a big gap and took the chance and hit her in the shoulder. While I was distracted by this Piper ran up to the tree closest to mine and shot at me. I threw one back as I ducked that one and got him in the stomach. I let out an audible laugh and he frowned and started running after me, I ran, my belly still quivering from laughter. I suddenly felt a water balloon hit my back, and heard Tyler laughing and felt myself trip on a branch and fall to the ground. Tyler and Piper were both standing next to each other giggling.

"Haha very funny," I retaliated to their giggling, with throwing water balloons at them both and they stopped laughing and I ran, they chased me for all of thirty seconds and then I was suddenly pinned to the ground by Piper and I wriggled like a worm, he held my arms up above my head, with his knees either side of me and Tyler started throwing water bombs at both of us until we were drenched. "Get a room!" She shouted and he lifted himself off of me and turned around, he laughed a little. But not from humour. He hurled a water bomb at Tyler's shirt and then he gave her a creepy smile and she stopped laughing immediately and ran the other direction, he looked over his shoulder at me and smiled, shrugged then took my hand and lifted me to my feet.

We both were chasing Tyler, but, of course Piper caught up to her in no time and by the time we all wasted all of our balloons we were drenched, all sprawled out on the grass and laughing. All of this may sound silly but it was a great afternoon.

We thought to dry off, taking a walk down to the shops and bought an ice cream each. By the time we had dried off we were in my street and walking in my door rambling on about how fun that was and mum stared at us astonished. She had baked a chocolate cake and it had candles and icing. They all sung 'Happy Birthday' and I blew out the candles wishing... Well, I can't tell, can I?

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