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Last chapter of the night, I just felt the need to post more than one because I feel like the previous ones are a tad short. I'm really proud of this story guys, keep it up with the comments!

 I'm really proud of this story guys, keep it up with the comments!

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edited chapter

Chapter 12: Arrogant Hybrid Dick

{D. K}

"I have to go." Dakota excused herself from Jeremy. Elena had stepped aside to talk to Stefan ten minutes ago, but Dakota had gotten a text from Damon all but begging her to go to the Boarding House. "Bye Jeremy."

     After she'd walked away from the park, she got into her car and drove to the Salvatore estate. "D, what's up?" Dakota said, knowing he would hear her no matter where he was in the house. As she shut the front door, a new voice answered instead.

     "I'm sorry, Damon's not home at the moment."

     "Klaus, what are you doing here? You weren't invited in."

     "Don't worry about that, love." Taking in a deep breath, Klaus began talking. "The night of the sacrifice you offered yourself over to me in exchange of Jenna, and I denied you knowing there was much more for you than death.

     Dakota moved her weight from foot to foot, keeping eye contact with the stronger man. "What's your point Klaus?"

     "I know that your witch friends have already told you how to cure Damon."

     "How do you know that?"

     "Because you didn't seem the slightest bit worried when Bonnie and Stefan went to go ask them. There wasn't a shadow of doubt on your face that they'd discover the cure for a werewolf bite."

      The brunette shrugged. "Alright, fine. You got me."

      "Why didn't you tell them? Heal Damon and save the day?"

"I'm going to repay a debt." Dakota confirmed. "Your blood to save him. So state your terms and conditions because I know you want something in return."

Klaus smiled guiltily. "I suppose you're right. I'll give you my blood, if and only if you come with me to create my hybrids."

"I don't really see how I would be helpful."

"You're old and experienced. I've heard about how mercilessly you've killed, how twisted you were when torturing your victims. How far vengeance has taken you. I give you my blood and you come with me and show me that side of you."

Dakota stood there, contemplating the offer. "If I do so, will you leave them alone? Salvatore's and all."

"I suppose that's fair. You have my word."

Her hand stretched out, an offer for his own. "Deal." Klaus out his larger hand into hers, taking in her tight grip and warm skin.

"Excellent." With much haste, Klaus bit into his wrist catching up all of the spilling blood with a glass cup, handing it over to Dakota. "I'll be in the car. Don't make any stupid decisions, love."

Ignoring the threat, she wrote a note.

Drink this D, it'll make you feel better.

Dakota placed the cure and the note in Damon's room on his bedside table. Following her part of the deal, she met Klaus in his car. "Ready, sweetheart?"

"As I'll ever be." Pulling her phone from her pocket to play a game, it was quickly extracted from her hand. "What the h—"

"Some ground rules," He explained, shutting off the phone and placing it in his pocket. "—no talking to them ever again. Secondly," Klaus grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him. "—you get out of line one time, and I'll make you shut off your emotions so quickly you won't have a chance to understand what happened."

"So that's you last resort? Shutting off my emotions if I piss you off?" Dakota leaned closer to Klaus, her lips nearly touching his own. "Let me tell you a secret baby, I killed all of those people as ruthlessly and savagely with my emotions on, imagine how I'll be with them off. All sense of control will be lost, and I'll kill anything in sight. Even you."

Klaus watched her lips move, paid attention to the glint in her eyes that proved how thirsty she was for blood to drip on her tongue. How much she wanted to watch the life fade from the eyes of her victims. She wanted to drip every last drop of their blood until their bodies shriveled into pathetic piles of pruned skin and muscle that shrunk from lack of moisture. She wanted all of that, it was visible through that small glint of lust that she had written in her brown eyes. "Then let's hope you piss me off."

Dakota sat back down in the passenger seat, she put her hand in his pants pocket pulling out her phone and headphones. "If you don't mind."

"You're treading on thin ice, Dakota."

Turning up the music to the highest level she pointed to her ears and raised her shoulders as if she couldn't hear him. Klaus knew damn well that through the loud bass of the song she could hear his voice as clear as day. Instead of scolding her, he smiled at her. She was already pressing his buttons but he liked it. It was now that he understood why Elijah was displeased about loosing her as an acquaintance. "Where are we going?"

     "We're going to create an army. But first I need to find a werewolf pack."

Taking the map Klaus had in his lap, Dakota looked over the areas circled with red sharpie. "So we're looking for Ray Sutton? Who's that?"

"He's the beginning of my hybrid family."

Hundreds of miles passed, and Klaus pulled up in front of a house. "You know what to do right sweetheart?"

"Don't seem so worried about me Klaus, just make sure your American accent is stellar."

Klaus watched Dakota get out of his car, using her enhanced speed to go to the back of the house quietly. Dakota didn't pay much attention to the conversation happening in the front yard, she was to focused on the sound of blood pumping through the two girls veins. She could hear Klaus talking about Ray, but she wasn't focused enough on him to worry about what he was saying. All she could hear was the girls shoes clacking on their wood floors as she ran away from Klaus.

The dark skinned girls high-pitched scream as she opened the door to see Dakota standing there with blood on the side of her face. "Don't you just love it when they run Dakota?"

"He's in Tulley," The curly haired one spilled. "It's near the boarder. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's on Highway 41."

"Thank you, my love. Now," Klaus brushed the hair off the blonde girls face, bringing her quivering body closer to his. "—may my pretty friend come in?"

She shook as she nodded in agreement. "Y-yes. Y-you may come in."

Let the fun begin.

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