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Quick note: While I will be referring to a character in Teen Wolf, the actions that happen have nothing to do with that show, or Jeff Davis. The plot I have created, adding a character from that show momentarily will not be based on the plot that Jeff Davis had created. It is entirely my own and I request that you don't comment telling me that's not what happened it Teen Wolf. I'm well aware.

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Chapter 35: We're Going On A Trip

{D. K}

       "You're leaving?" Klaus whispers, watching his girlfriend pack a large suitcase with her clothes and some of his.

       The second she had awoken from her momentary unconsciousness, she had decided that she needed a break from Mystic Falls so she could find her little brother. She had put it off for a long time, and realizing that she almost died; permanently, proved that time was of the essence. "Only for a few days, maybe a week tops."

        Klaus gave a jerky nod, smiling a little to ease her guilt that only grew as she saw right through the poor facade he was trying to hold up. "But, you're coming back, right?"

         Dakota's heart almost broke. She didn't really think much on the reason why Klaus surrounded himself with hybrids, now she understood in this one act. He was lonely, and with sired hybrids they had to stay with him no matter what.

          Dropping the soft grey shirt that she had stolen from his dresser, she walked over to him, her bare feet patting gently against the hardwood floors until she stood before him. She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. Pulling their lips away only a millimeter, she rested her forehead on his own. "I won't ever leave you, I promise."

           Klaus nodded, but she could see the pain that was visible in his half-lidded blue eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong." The hybrid backed away from her outstretched hand, attempting to cower and make an exit from their shared room. "No, don't shut me out. You're not alone, so stop acting as if you are."

"You're right, I'm not alone. I've been alone." Klaus bitterly laughed, tears in his eyes, glistening against the blue. "Always empty inside. Having no one to understand."

"Klaus, I'm right here."

"For how long?" His outburst sent him in an emotional vortex, multiple feelings swirling around inside and he couldn't keep them at back anymore. One thousand years of suppressed emotions flowing out like a tidal wave, and the only person who cared enough to fix the damage from the unforgiving waters was Dakota. "I screw things up, it's my thing. But, I think that when your near me, you blind me from all the bad that I create."

"You're not bad, Klaus."

Klaus raised his eyebrows, clearly not believing the beauty before him. "Really? What do you categorize me as then? Reckless. A murderer."

"Broken." The two syllables rolled of her tongue with sadness and the same determination she always held. "And, that's okay, because I'm willing to glue you back together."

"Glue flakes off with time."

"Then I'll cement myself to you, I'll fill in every crack until you're better than you ever imagined you could be."

Her words overwhelmed him, but they sent a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. "That might take a while."

Dakota pulled him in close, so close that their lips lightly teased one another as she spoke. "I've got nothing but time."

"I'm going to be selfish and take all of it up."

She shrugged, her eyes trained on his plump lips. "That's what it's there for."

Dakota looked at the change in scenery, the different smells evaded her nose, the main one being blood. "You're not from around here, are you?" A muscular man with jade green eyes and dark brown hair asked. His face was sharp and clear, with stubble surrounding his jaw. He wore a leather jacket and dark wash jeans.

"How could you tell?" She asked as she pulled the suitcase from the trunk of her car. Klaus had reserved a hotel room for her without her knowing, but she was grateful.

"I've never seen you before, and I've lived here my whole life."

Dakota could hear the tense tone in his voice, and it made her a bit more cautious around him. "Then yes, I'm not from around here," She vaguely responded, shutting the trunk. "I'm actually looking for someone, do you think you could point me in the right direction. Maybe you've seen him."

He looked at photo that Dakota had received from Damon, thick, dark eyebrows closed in on one another as he evaluated the photo of Shawn. "Theo?"

"That's his middle name, Theodore." Hope filled Dakota's heart, closing in pieces of the brokenness and hurt she had accumulated from the guilt when she had killed her brother in her bloodlust.

"Yeah, I know of him. Just came here a few weeks ago. I can drive you to him if you'd like."

Dakota nodded, neatly folding he photo up again and placing it in her back pocket. "I'll follow you."

The green-eyed man turned to get back into his black Camaro. "I'm Derek, by the way."


The drive was quick, and Dakota couldn't help but notice the abundant supply of forestry that the small town held. She exited her car, eyes drifting to the school that was quite large, with an even larger field. "He's in there."

          With a nod, Dakota thanked Derek and walked into the school, wandering around for the main office. "I'm looking for my little brother, Theo."

          "I'm afraid we don't do that here, are you on his emergency card?"

          Dakota locked eyes with the red head with blue eyes. Her black pupils dilated as the vampire compelled her. "Tell me what room Shawn Theodore King is in right now, or I'll tear your head from your neck and wear it as a Halloween mask."

         The secretary blankly complied with Dakota, her body involuntarily completing the action without thought. "He's in AP Biology right now, would you like a map."

         "Sure." After a second of watching the secretary highlight the path Dakota needed to take she walked out of the office and found the room easily.

         Her outstretched her hand to knock on the door, eyes immediately locking on her younger brother that didn't look a day over eighteen. "May I help you?"

"Yeah, I need to speak with my brother." A devilish grin overtook Dakota's features as she kept eye contact with Shawn. "Theo."

Shawn grimaced, lazily picking up his book and placing it under his arm. He followed her outside, staying quiet the entire time. "So, what's up?"

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