<The Edelweiss Pirates> 2P!Germany

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I learnt about loads of protest groups in Nazi Germany on Tuesday and I just had to write about the Edelweiss Pirates. I've been planning to write a Germany chapter for ages .-.

Nazi Germany- 193x
Somewhere in Köln

It's been a few years since the ruthless dictator known by Adolf Hitler rose to power to now become known as "Der Führer". He's done all in his power, mainly using his pathetic "Enabling Act" and his secret police, the Gestapo to prevent any opposition against the Nazis. Anyone caught being anti-Nazi was thrown into the concentration camps and forced to do hard physical labour for months... Nobody was ever usually killed. It was the Gestapo's way of issuing even more fear than just killing them. A lot of people would've just preferred to just be killed on the point. Several small protest groups have been coming together to be able to try to overthrow Hitler or make others hate him.  Even some of the old army members have been heard trying to blow him up! One of these groups was known as the Edelweiss Pirates. They were possibly the most brutal of the groups. They often beat up Nazis and committed crimes normal people would never even think of doing.

"Miss ___, is it?" asked the man in front of you. He had those kind of piercing red eyes but also elegant platinum hair. "Yes, it is." Being from the country of (c/n), you hadn't fully picked up the German accent expected. Though, you were quite good at understanding most German words; even some complex ones. The man, you believe his name was Klaus, gazed down at the sheet in front of him, back at you and back down again. "Jou sure, Frau? Jou don't really look like jou can pull jour own veight." It had been your dream to join the Edelweiss Pirates as soon as you heard of them. Also, mainly because your parents had been killed in one of the SS-controlled concentration camps and you wanted revenge. "I may not look like it, but I can do it! Anything you ask!" You flipped your hair back in encouragement. Klaus covered his face for a moment before letting out a sigh and writing your name down on the sheet. "Vhatever. But jou MUST listen to mein klein brüder, okay?" You nodded and wandered into a group of people. Must be another of Goebbel's propaganda crap...

"What's going on here...?" you rhetorically questions whilst you slithered your way to the front of the crowd. On top of a small podium was a muscular and quite tall man sporting the kind of white vest, black trousers and a distinct cap atop his head. It seemed almost futuristic by a few years. [A/E] It's a joke because it's a WW2 cap but WW2 hasn't happened yet. He was actually pretty cute, surprisingly. "That's mein brüder." you heard Klaus whisper to you. Unfortunately, it surprised you so much, you ninja kicked him around the face. "Oops." was all you could say but all your attention was focused up on Klaus' brother. "Vhat is vrong vit jou? Are jou falling for Lutz?" he sniggered lightly. "He's one of zhe senior members of the Edelweiss Pirates, like me." You nodded and bit the inside of your lip as nerves started entering your body.


"Down with Der Führer!" Lutz cried, rising his fist in the air to finish his speech and everyone else on the crowd did the same. You just prayed to God that the Gestapo or SS weren't watching... Klaus tapped you on the shoulder and motioned you over to go meet Lutz. The very thought brought a blush to your cheeks. And there he was; Lutz Beilschmidt. "Zis ist the new recruit!" Klaus announced and gently punched your shoulder. Klaus stop touching me, thanks. Let me touch your brother's- "Uhm!" You came back to your senses as you noticed Lutz checking out your body. "She'll do." After that, he walked away, leaving you and Klaus standing there alone. "Frau, you best go home now. It's getting cold." You nodded but continued messing around with your fingers for being so flustered.


The next day, you had been ordered to go with a small batch of other members to try to find out more information on the Nazis to take them down. You were currently hiding in an alleyway with your "partner", Eli. She was a nice girl, probably country-bred or something. "Can you hear anything?" she whispered. "Did you hear? One of the senior leaders of the Hiter Jegend was killed yesterday..." "You're kidding, right?" "Nope... It was Colonel... We've captured eleven of those bastards. They're being hanged tomorrow." "Do you get the leaders?" "One of them. Klaus Beilschmidt. The other one escaped." You gasped and nearly gave away your position. "___, what is it?" Eli asked as you tried to stop crying. "T-they... Captured Klaus..." She began patting you softly on the back and suggested to take you back to the base. You've heard enough.


You dashed down back to where you knew Luts would be hanging out; the local bar. Without even taking a moment to catch your breath, you found him sitting at the counter, talking to the bar tender. "Lutz! Something terrible has happened!" you cried as you hastily sat down next to him. "Vhat zhe hell is zit?" He was clearly already a bit peed off. "The SS... They've captured Klaus... We need to rescue him!" You want to say you yelled but it was more a hushed tone to keep suspicion low. Lutz took a few moments of hesitation and silence before coming to the conclusion "There's nothing ve can do. Ve have to just leave him." That made your blood boil. "You sick bastard!" The entire room turned to you. "You're just going to let your own brother die without even trying?!" He said nothing. "Well, if you're not going to help, I'll help him!" You left in a crying mess. The thought of someone abandoning someone, let alone their brother, was foul to you. However, you could have sworn you heard Lutz calling you to wait...

Author's Notes: OOOOOH SUSPENSEEEEEEEE Yes, there will be a part two at some point but I really just wanted to upload something... So, here you go! I've done loads of research on this, so be grateful. ;)

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