Chapter 13: Back to School...-_-

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(Just a really cool song above. Not much to do with this story except 'I've got some ghosts who follow me, you may think I'm crazy' and 'I see spirits all around me!' XD)

"Time to get up for school sweetheart!" Anti ripped my blanket off of me

"Fuck you, let me sleep for like 5 minutes" I grumbled and rolled over. Anti just poked me over and over again

"Anti what time is it?" I groaned

"Dude Y/N you have like 10 minutes to get to school" Anti said

"WHAT!?!?" I asked jumping up startled. I ran to the bathroom to go get changed. I was out in a flash and managed to catch the time...

"ANTI! YOU LIAR!" I chased after him "I didn't have to get up for another half hour!"

Anti was laughing like crazy as I chased him "I knew that'd get you up!"

"Anti get your ass back here!" I yelled laughing

He finally tripped and landed on top of Dark

"OW!" Dark yelled "What the hell!?"

"Dark look out!" I said as I tripped as well and fell on top of Anti, and on top of Dark

"OW!" they both groaned. Anti and I laughed while Dark growled at us

"Guys...GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" he yelled

Anti and I giggled and got off of him. Anti kissed my cheek

"Oh my God get a room you two!" Dark hid his head under his pillow

"Yeah, we got one and You're in it" I teased

"What the hell was all the screaming about?" Glitch woke up along with JackGlitch

"Nothing. We kinda almost broke your brother's ribs" Anti laughed

"Oh...carry on" Glitch rolled over

"WHAT!? WHAT ABOUT ME!?" Dark asked angry "I'M THE ONE WHO GOT HURT!"

I giggled "Dark it's okay he's your brother. He's just trying to get under your skin"

"Well he's doing a damn good job of it" Dark said grabbing his t-shirt and jeans. Did I mention Dark sleeps with no shirt on? No?...well now you know

"Anyway guys get ready for school" I said

"I've never been to school!" JackGlitch said "What's it like?"

"Kinda boring. Take a nap whenever you feel like kid" Glitch said yawning

"I wish I could" I muttered

*Later in Gym (still swim unit)*

"...And yeah I guess Anti has a little brother named JackSepticGlitch" I said to Angelina

"Aww! He sounds adorable! Is he by us?" Angelina asked

"Nope he's asleep in the hallway. Nobody can see him nor touch him so he's okay" I said

"Aw what a little sweetheart" she said " wanna let Hannah know about the guys?"

We often just referred to Anti and Dark and those guys as just 'they' or 'the guys' as just a little code word...I dunno something about saying 'random demons following me around' doesn't sound very normal...

"Who's Hannah?" Anti asked

"Anti Hannah's another one of our friends" I whispered to him

"Oh is Anti next to you?" Angelina asked smiling

My friends are demons (Ipliers and AntiSepticEye x Reader) *Done* (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now