Chapter 16: A beautiful nightmare

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"You...did WHAT!?" I asked horrified
"I...stole this from Wilford Warfstache" Dark sighed
"Is he...gonna kill me?" I stammered
Anti just hugged me tight and whispered "I will do everything, even give my life, to keep you safe"
"There's a good chance that Wilford will never find out that it's gone as well" Glitch encouraged
I nodded and leaned on Anti's chest "I love you Anti"
He kissed my forehead lightly "I love you too"
We sat there in silence for a while before I decided to bring up something happier
"Anti I just remembered something!" I said "It's um really off topic but there's a dance at my school next week...I've never really gone cos I've never had a date to go with"
Anti smiled "Sounds great. It'll be nice to not worry about Wilford for now"
*later before the dance*
I pulled out my favorite dress and started to put it on. I was actually going to a dance with someone! Speaking of that someone, there was a knock on my door "Y/N? You ready?"
I opened the door "Yeah"
Anti was in a black suit and tie that made the blue in his eyes really show. His eyes were wide and his jaw dropped at the sight of me "You look...amazing"
I blushed "You too"
"No...nowhere near as beautiful as you" Anti said smiling
Anti hugged me and, even though I didn't want him too, used his magic to teleport us to my school. I had the world-switcher on my neck as we walked into the school so nobody saw us. We went in the gym, where the dance was, and saw Hannah and Angelina there with their dates
"Do you wanna scare them?" Anti asked me
I nodded and we walked over to them. Anti silently counted to three before we quickly switched who wore the world-switcher. I tapped Angelina and Hannah on the shoulder, making them nearly jump in surprise
"Hey guys!" I laughed with Anti
We talked with them for awhile before Anti nudged my shoulder "Shall we dance?"
I smirked at him and he smiled back
"Alright...guys this doof over here wants to dance. I'll be right back" I told them laughing
Anti pulled me by my wrists to the dance floor (A/N: song above is playing FYI)
We danced for what seemed like hours. Anti didn't break his gaze from me the entire time
"I never want to have to leave you" Anti whispered
"What?" I asked
"I don't want to fail as a protector cos they will send me back to hell" Anti said with a sad look
"You'd never disappoint me. You're the best protector I could ever want" I said leaning my head on his chest gently. He wrapped his arms around me
"Thank you" I heard him whisper before kissing me. Suddenly he pulled away from the kiss
"What's up?" I asked. Anti shushed me
"Wanna take this somewhere more private?" Anti asked taking the world-switcher off and putting it on me, essentially making me invisible to everyone else except him. I smiled and kissed him again
"I hope this night never ends" I whispered hugging him gently. Anti played with my hair softly
"Me neither" he said
Unfortunately the night did have to end as Anti teleported us back home. He carried me to my bed and laid me down
"Do I have to go to bed?" I asked
He chuckled "You're sounding like JackGlitch right now. Go to bed sweetheart I know you're tired"
I shook my head but let out a yawn making him chuckle "Here, I'll go to bed too"
Anti climbed in next to me and laid down. I rested my head on his chest and felt my eyes starting to close a little. Anti pet my hair gently
"Go to sleep love" he said softly and hummed part of the song we danced to:

'If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and
Just forget the world

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's
Bursting into life'

I fell asleep to him humming that song as I murmured "I love you"

At the same time, far away in another realm of sorts, similar to the one that Darkiplier and the others normally reside in, a loud amount of cursing can be heard
"Stupid Mark look-alike" a man says looking through a box he has in his hands "He really dared to take something of mine and just say he was borrowing it?"
The man throws the box onto a desk angrily
"Well, I guess Darkiplier needs a lesson in what's best for him if he wants to live" the man is concealed in the shadows, but all that can be seen is a reflection of light off his glasses, a glimmer of light off a golden pistol that rests in his hands. The man chuckles and loads the gun. He shoots at a target drawn hastily on the wall. He hits the center dead on, with no recoil from the gunshot "Cos I ALWAYS know what's best"

(A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNNN! I hope you enjoyed this!)

My friends are demons (Ipliers and AntiSepticEye x Reader) *Done* (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now