Chapter 15: A good First impression

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I woke up to find Anti not next to me. Break was over and it was the first day back to school. Anti was excited for some reason last night

"Anti?" I called quietly getting up to look for him

I found him in the bathroom combing his hair. He was in a nicer sweatshirt and new tennis shoes on. I had never seen him pay THIS much attention to how he looked ever.

"Anti? What are you doing?" I asked confused

"Getting ready for school" he said not looking at me

"Are you really going to wear that around all day?" I asked him

"Well yeah" he said hugging me. I hugged him back. It felt good to be able to hold him in my arms like that

"I'm so happy that you can be real now" I whispered ruffling his hair

"Ah, c'mon! I spent forever trying to get rid of the bedhead" Anti sighed

I chuckled "I like the bedhead. It makes you look cute"

He smirked and kissed my forehead lightly before walking out of the bathroom and going to wake up the others. I blushed and nearly jumped up and down with excitement. My friends were gonna meet Anti!

*Later at School*

"ANGELINAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I yelled (A/N: yes I actually have yelled her name across the cafeteria before)

She saw me and ran over. We hugged and excitedly told each other about our break

"So what's new with you?" she asked me

"Hey Y/N" Anti walked over as if on cue. Angelina stared at him in shock

"You got a boyfriend!? Wait...what about Anti?" she asked

"Um, that's what I was gonna tell you. Angelina, this is my boyfriend, AntiSepticEye" I said smiling

Angelina stared at him in shock "Am I seeing things now too?"

"Let's just say your 'friend on the other side' Dark gave us a little thing JackGlitch has name a world-switcher" Anti said holding it up and smiling

"So you're..." Angelina poked him in the chest. He laughed and pushed her back a little

"Stop it! That tickles!" Anti giggled

"He's real. He's REALLY real" Angelina paced around him

"Yeah...what doesn't she get about this?" Anti whispered to me

"'s just I'm surprised and shocked to see you finally" Angelina held out her hand for a handshake. They shook hands and smiled

"So...tell you really share a bed and watch Netflix with Y/N or is she bluffing?" Angelina asked

"ANGELINA REALLY!?" I asked shocked while Anti laughed like a maniac

"God I'm glad I'm real!" he said leaning on my shoulder looking adorable as ever

"Now I definitely ship it" Angelina laughed at the two of us

"Oh hush your mouth" I said blushing as Anti kissed me

"Aww!" Angelina said "You two are so cute, you little lovebirds!"

I gave her a look that said 'I'm gonna fucking kill you later'. Angelina just laughed

*later in Gym class*

"Y/N? Who's this?" Hannah asked confused at Anti's sudden appearance

"Hannah, allow me to truly introduce you to AntiSepticEye, my beautiful and amazing boyfriend!" I said kissing him on the cheek

My friends are demons (Ipliers and AntiSepticEye x Reader) *Done* (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now