•Chapter One• This is me

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~Jen's POV~

Alright. first of all, let me introduce myself.

My name is Jen, I'm currently a 16 year old girl. I don't have a bad life.

But I wouldn't consider it good.

I'm currently in my last grade of high school. (Yass) My mom and my dad are extremely loving. But the only problem is that they are *always* traveling. As you can probably guess, this ruins my social life...a lot. I have 3 very good friends, Jemma, Amanda and Matthew. Amanda and Matthew have been dating since 7th grade. We've been in the same school since grade school. We have our ups and downs, but we still get along extremely well. I'm not the most popular girl. Of course there are those jerks that want to bully us. I wouldn't trade my life though. My friends make everything better.

I woke up at 7:00 am. "Ugh, I have one hour to get ready." I said. I kept rubbing my eyes hoping they would feel better. After 2 minutes of rubbing my eyes I got out of bed and went in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror "Not too bad" I said to myself. I put a tiny bit of foundation on and lip gloss. I looked at the clock and realized it was already 7:35. "How has 35 minutes passed?" I thought. I took a quick 5 minute shower and ran into my room. "7:40...7:40.. I can't be late again!" I quickly put on some black leggings and a white shirt, with my black jumper on.

I looked at my mirror and smiled. "Nice" I clicked my tongue and laughed at my own little joke. I put on some white no-show socks and brown boots. I double tied them. I checked the time, it was 7:50. I put all my homework and books in my book bag. I grabbed my keys and walked out the house. School was only 2 minutes away. So I'd have 3 minutes left to do what I need. While I was walking I saw Amanda and Matthew. Knowing Jemma she was probably already there. She was never late, but never too early. I shouted to Amanda saying "AMANDA!!" And started waving my arm around, I looked like a retard, but I didn't care. I quickly heard Amanda shout "HI JEN" she then ran towards me, with Matthew following her. We talked about school and such, before we knew it we were at school. Matthew had only 2 of my classes, Amanda has 3, and Jemma only had 1. We then went in the school, said our goodbyes, and went to our lockers. I put away some of my books, and my bookbag in my locker.

I walked into my first and least favorite class, Math. The biggest jerk in the school was there. Aiden. He was super popular, all people like me, the not-so-popular people, he's worried that people would take his popularity, which I found really fricking stupid. He probably did the least annoying thing he's ever done today. With my luck, he sits right by me. He just kept talking about how rich he was, it kinda peeved me. I tried whispering to him many times. "Can you shut up?" But of course, he didn't. After a while, I couldn't take it. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The whole class stared at me, I turned bright red and very pale. Ms. Christian (math teacher XD) gave me a long stare.

She pointed to the to the door. "Principal's office.." I thought.

My luck...

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