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rick and Shane made it back. they still had Randall but they must have gotten into a fight. both had cuts and deep bruises on their faces and hands. Shane probably tried to kill him.

they made it back later in the evening. rick said it should only be and hour and a half. it was about two hours before they got back.

today they want to decide what to with Randall. I could see that rick was tired of it. Shane. Randall. it was time for it to end.

we all gathered at the camp to listen and decide what we should do.

I didn't listen much. but rick has decided that he is a threat and that he has to die. dale on the other hand, thinks that we have to give him a chance.

rick walked away, dale chased after him. Shane looked like he wanted to do it right now. 

carl walked away with his mother. I went to the barn. I sat on my bed and sharpened my knife with the sharpening rock I had in my pack. the steel had a chime every time it came off the rock. the knife I had was probably 16 inches in total length. it was my dads. he threw it too me before he died.

I heard foot steps under me. I was thinking it was carl coming to talk to me. I looked down to see dale.

"need something dale?"

"just a answer"

"is it about Randall?"

"yea, I need to know if you would support me on this decision"

"your asking me if I want to keep a boy alive who will most likely try to hurt one of us, no"

"but we have to give this boy a chance"

"they should take him away. further than they did before"

"leave him with water and food"

"tell him to never come back"

"but that wont work if he comes back"

"we cant keep him prisoner forever"

"whether we let him leave or he dies"

"something has to happen"

dale walked away. I don't know which side of that he wants but I gave him both.

I sat back again and continued with my knife.

I laid back. my eyelids got heavy. I dreamt that this place was perfect. no walkers. food. water. everything. we were safe. forever.

I woke up from my sleep in a cold sweat. the sun was starting to dip. it was probably time for us to group up at the house. I  got up and climbed down the ladder. I walked to the house and watched every one go in, one by one. when I got inside everyone chose a seat and sat with a patient silence.

rick walked in and everyone gave him there attention. he waited. then he spoke

"lets just.. figure out where everyone stands"

"so do we vote or?"

"how should we do it?"

"shooting is more humane"

"you all are talking about it like it has been decided"

"who will stand with me? glen?"

the look on dale's face was anger and pity for Randall.

"are you all going to watch too?"

that was the last of the conversation then dale walked off. everyone started leaving.

I went to walk back to the barn but then I caught carl's eye. he gave me a light smile

I returned it and walked outside.

I didn't go to the barn. I stayed on the porch and sat in a chair and waited for it.

rick, Shane, and Daryl went to go get Randall. I could see dale in the distance. he was waiting for it too

a minute of pure silence went by. then a second. the third I seen Shane barge out the gates with carl in tow. they aren't going to do it.

I stood up and went towards the barn. it took me longer than usual. like time was anticipating something.

I climbed up into the rafters and sat down.

the silent black of the night was broken by a yell. a yell of pain and fear. it was dale

I basically jumped down the ladder and ran towards the fence line to open the gate. every one heard his scream and was running his way.

Daryl was the first of us to get there and he tore off his attacker. it was a walker that tore a hole in his stomach.

we all looked at him. rick was talking to Hershel about the things they could do to help him. their were none.

rick then knew what he had to do. I moved back towards Carl and Lori. I stood next to carl. he wrapped his hand around mine and lightly squeezed  as he cried. rick couldn't do it. daryl took the pistol and whispered something to him. i didn't hear it but it must have had meaning. then he pulled the trigger. I felt carl jump as he held my hand. then everything was quiet and still.

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