The Plan of Execution

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-two days later-

Me and Carl ran through the woods as fast as we could, leaves and twigs snapping with every step, but the threat was too far away to hear us.

We stopped and leaned against a tree, hiding ourselves.

I pulled out the python and pulled back the hammer, but I kept it close to my chest so it wouldn't be seen.

I could hear Carl pulling out his black 9mm as well.

I looked across the small path to Glenn. He was hiding against the tree, same as us.

I could hear the footsteps. They were edging closer and closer by the second, leaves rustling beneath them.

Glenn nodded and I tapped on Carl, signaling us to jump out.

Me, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, and Aaron appeared from behind the trees, surrounding several people.

We all had our guns up and ready to fire.

"Don't shoot please!" The man with a large beard in the front said "we don't mean any harm!"

"What's your name?" I asked with a stern voice

"Bruce" he said with his hands still up

Their were eight of them. Three of them being women and two being teenagers, the other three were men. One of them was grey headed, the oldest most likely.

"Why are you hear?"

"Food, we need food"

"Don't look like your starving to me" Michonne said

"Just let me explain"

I staired at him harder. Trying to see if he was lying. As far as I could tell, he was using all he had to show it was the truth.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Glenn asked

"I don't know, why..."

"How many people have you killed?" I interrupted


"Why?" Michonne finished

"To survive, and to keep my camp safe"

I looked towards Glenn, and then michonne. They have a camp.

"Show us your weapons"

They all went to grab them

"Any of you try anything, we know how to use ours, and we ain't that short on ammo"

Most of them nodded

They laid their weapons on the ground. An AK-47, two 12 gauges and surprisingly a Mp5. The others had a 9mm each

"We won't use ours unless y'all try to use yours, and I guarantee that it won't end well for you"

"We don't want that, we just need some food"

I looked to Glenn and michonne.

"Come with us" I said holstering the pistol

I turned around and started heading towards the cabin.

These people don't seen to pose a threat. The man named Bruce seems like the only one that might be able to do anything. The others seem kinda afraid, they must have some walls at this camp of theirs.

We made it back to the cabin, but we didn't walk inside.

I leaned against the post at the edge of the porch. The rest of us formed basically a line, the other group was standing I front of us.

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