Always running: Ending

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I sat up in mine and David's bed. The air was cold and I pulled some of the blanket up around my body.

I woke not sore for once. David's arm was still going across my lap. The sun was barely peeking through the shaded window, allowing some of the amber light to hit the floor.

"David" I said shaking him lightly

"I've been awake, I'm trying to go back to sleep"

"Why?" I asked stretching my arms and back

"I'm a little sore, I don't dig like that every day you know"

"Well we already know where the rest of them are, we don't have to leave right this minute"

"Ok" he said as he rolled over on to his back

"Are you hungry?" He asked

I climbed on top of his lap.

"Very" I said winking

"Oh your hungry" he said with air quotes

"Maybe just a little" I said leaning down to give him a kiss

"Well we can, like you said, we don't have to leave right this minute" he said with a smirk as his hands found my ass.

"Let's wait till we are at Bruce's old camp" I said leaning up

"I'm starting to think that you want people to hear us" he said

I climbed off of him. I pulled on my pants. I didn't see my shirt though.

"We have something to eat for breakfast?" I asked

"Yea their should be" he said standing up and stretching

"And while I'm making us breakfast, you should take care of that" I said pointing down to his crotch

"It's early in the morning and you were just talking about having sex, not my fault" he said walking into the bathroom

I walked into the kitchen. The rooms were colder than usual, since no one started a fire. No one meaning me or David.

I grabbed two bowls out of the cabinet and placed them on the counter side by side and then grabbed the box of cereal in the small pantry.

I put all we had into the bowls. The sound of it seemed so loud in the quiet house. It was never this quiet.

David came into the kitchen.

"Here's a shirt" he said handing me a black shirt.

"This is one of yours" I said. I knew from the smell. And the fact he was a little bigger than me.

"It was close by as I came through the room"

David grabbed the bowls and sat down on the couch. I sat beside him, laying my legs on his. We ate quietly. The cereal was stale and tasteless, but it was by far not the worst thing I have ever eaten.

"Do you think that things will ever be normal again?" I asked


"Like with all the walkers gone"

"I don't think the walkers are going away, but I think that humanity will start winning for once, then people can start rebuilding I guess"

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