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Paige's P.O.V.

After the crash, I automatically sit up, lightly pushing Walter off of me. When I look at his forehead, there is a giant gash, quickly spilling out dark red blood.

"Oh my God," I mutter, terrified. Walter probably saved my life, but was it at the cost of his?

"Hey, Walter. Walter, wake up." I gently shake him, trying to get him to open his chocolate brown eyes.

"Walter, it's Paige. Can you please wake up? You're going to be okay, just open your eyes for me, please."

Walter stays unconscious, blood still trickling quickly down his face. My heart is racing. Please be okay, please be okay. His face is already extremely pale from blood loss. Please be okay.

I sit up and look into the driver's and passenger's seat. The driver is knocked out. I check his pulse, and am relieved to feel a light beating. I gently shake him, but he doesn't wake.

Cabe is groaning in the passenger's seat. From what I can tell, he is okay, just shaken up from the crash.

"Cabe," I say, my voice sounding shaky. "Cabe! Walter won't wake up!"

He looks into the back seat. "Damn it."

Cabe dials 911 on his phone, and gives them out location.
"Paige, try to stop the bleeding on his head."

Cabe tries to help the driver, while I attend to Walter.

I take off my white cotton sweater, and hold it to Walter's head. Now that I only have a tank top, my body starts to shake since it is freezing.

I check Walter's pulse, and feel a little better when it is still beating strongly. He just won't wake up.

"Walter, hey, please, you have to wake up!"

I hear sirens in the distance, and get a little more scared the closer they come. What if they tell us that Walter isn't going to make it?

I lift the sweater off of Walter's head, and am relieved that the bleeding has almost stopped. I put it back on, still applying pressure to make sure that it stays gone.

The ambulance parks near our car, and never in my life have I been so glad for no traffic. If they get Walter to the hospital without any delays, he has a better chance of survival.

The doctors open the car doors.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Please help him!" I say, and tears begin to fall down my face.

The doctors carefully take Walter out of the car, and put him in a gurney that they pulled up.

"Ma'am, get in the ambulance with him."

I follow the doctors pulling Walter into the ambulance, and quickly step inside. I sit on a bench next to his stretcher while the doctors try to help him.

Through their random babble of medical talk, I hear one of them say,"He's stable." I try to calm myself down, telling myself that he will be okay, but I can't. I can't get the idea out of my mind that he won't be.

Luckily, the hospital is only five miles away from where we crashed, so the ambulance gets there quickly. They pull up and open the doors. Then, the doctors push Walter into the hospital. I quickly follow, and a worker at the front desk tells me to wait down the hall to the right.

I listen, sitting on the bench that is located where I was instructed to wait.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and call the rest of the team.

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