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Paige's P.O.V.

I wake to a throbbing in my head. When I open my eyes, I notice that I am lying on a wet cement floor in a dark room.

Grunting, I sit up, extremely confused. Where am I? What the hell happened?

It takes me a couple minutes to remember what had happened. It's all pretty hazy, but I remember falling to the ground vividly.

Ralph, as far as I know, avoided capture. If so, the team is probably working on this case now.

I start to shiver. It's cold. My head is still foggy too. It takes me a while to process information.

"Hey, Collins, the bitch is awake," a rough voice says. Wait, Collins?

A man looks through the bars, and to my surprise, I recognize him.

"Hey, Paige," he smiles, his mouth in a creepy grin.

"Collins," I growl at him. "Walter is going to find me. Out of anyone, you should know that."

"I know. I'm counting on it. And when he finds his girlfriend tortured and on the verge of death, he will come back to me. He will do whatever I ask him to."

I stay silent, stunned. Does he really want Walter back that bad that he is going to go to these extremes?

One of his men open the cage I am lying in. They pick me up and drag me to a wall, cuffing my ankles and wrist to it. I struggle, but with the drugs still in my system, it doesn't do much to help me.

"So, Ms. Dineen," Collins says, picking up a knife. "Where should we start?"

"Nowhere?" I squeak, quietly.

He walks up to me, gently laying the knife on my collarbone. Then, he moves it down to my arm. He cuts into me, causing pain to quickly spread through my arm. I can feel my blood trickling down my skin.

I bite my lip, tearing welling up in my eyes. The cut on my arm is definitely going to need stitches. A tear slides down my face, despite my efforts to not cry.

"What's wrong, Paige? Crying already? Well, this is going to be hell for you, because we're just getting started."

He slashes his knife through the skin on my right collarbone, cutting all the way down to the bone. I clench my teeth. Come on, Paige. You just need to hold on until Walter shows up. Whenever that is going to be.

"Hey, Collins?" I ask as he is trying to figure out where to cut me next.


"Walter is never going to want you back. He's told me, and as you know, Walter only states facts."

I regret the words the second they came out of my mouth. I don't know why I said it. I was angry that he had been hurting me, and I guess I lost my temper. It doesn't matter why I said I though. I'm screwed.

In a flash, Collins takes the butt of his knife and hits it against my temple. I slide down, and would have fallen to the ground if the metal cuffs weren't on my wrist.

"Please," I mumble, now feeling like I am going to pass out. "Would Walter want you to do this?"

Collins thinks for a second, and for a moment, I think I got through to him. But then his anger returns, more violent than he was before.

"Don't act like you know what Walter would want. Ever since you showed up, he hasn't thought for himself."

Again, with the butt of the knife, he hits my head. Realizing that the knife handle isn't long enough for him to avoid injury, he sets it down and resorts to his fist. Then, he punches me in the gut once, twice, and then three times. I hear a snapping and my chest starts to burn. I feel like I can't breath. As he hits me again and again, I hear more and more cracks. I know that he broke my ribs, and at that, a lot of them.

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