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Walter's P.O.V.

After many perpetual hours of waiting, a nurse appears in the hall of the small and stuffy waiting room. Since Scorpion is the only group of people occupying the room, I know the nurse has news about Paige. Instantly, I stand up, eager, but equally terrified, to hear the news on Paige's condition.

"Is she okay?" I ask, my voice somewhat unsteady, which is abnormal for me. For hours, I've been worried and nervous, my every though in concern of Paige, which has significantly drained my already low energy level. The team has tried to calm me down (well, mostly Toby), but the only person who can help me relax is Paige. Her touch alone can make me calm, or take away my anger, fear, or hate. Every possible scenario is running through my head, most of them horrific. I tell myself that I can't change what has happened, but part of me is still panicked, probably because I can't do anything, no matter how much I want to. I take a deep breath, which is something Paige taught me how to do when I am stressed, trying to calm myself down.

"Miss Dineen is on a heavy dose of morphine, but she'll be fine. She has eight broken ribs and hundreds of stitches, so she will need at least three weeks to heal, if not more," the nurse states, her voice tired and monotone. My heart drops when I hear Paige's condition, knowing from experience how tough something like this can be. What's worse is that I know it is all my fault. If Collin's never knew about Paige, this would never have happened, and I am the one who made him discover who she was.

"Can we, uh, see her?" I question, stampering and stuttering. Fear and exhaustion has made me unable to focus, causing my voice to be different from normal. I know I should get some rest because of this and my concussion, but I really need to see Paige, just to be positive that she will definitely be okay. I know she will be; the nurse said so, and there is an extremely small possibility that the nurse is wrong, considering the circumstances and the extent of Paige's injury. Still, I just want to make sure. Besides, Paige was there for me when I was in the hospital. What kind of boyfriend (Is that what I am considered to her now?) would I be if I left her alone, especially now, when she is scared and helpless?

"She hasn't woken up yet, partly from the morphine we put in her IV, but if you wish, you may see her. She's in room 204." The nurse scurries out of the waiting room, probably to end her shift, according from the way her energy has suddenly picked up.

I start to walk out of the waiting room, heading to the elevator I saw on the way in. Before I make it very far, Cabe grabs my arm, bringing my whole body to a halt.

"Walter, you need rest. How about you see her tomorrow?" At first I feel angry, but then I realize that he is just concerned about me. He just wants to look out for me. Cabe is always looking out for me, and I do feel grateful for that, but sometimes I don't like the advice he offers me.

"Cabe, I have to see her. I'll just sleep on a couch or something. You know I won't get any sleep before I see she is okay, anyways."

"Fine," Cabe agrees, realizing that what I am saying is true. "Just get some sleep, okay?"

I nod, starting to walk in the direction of the elevator. As I leave the room, I hear Slyvester mention something about a hotel and the team agreeing in unison.

I reach the entrance quickly, walking at a brisk pace. I find the elevator, approaching it as fast as I can without drawing attention to myself. I don't want to get yelled at by a security guard or something. I press the button on the elevator, and am relieved when the door instantly pops open.

After I walk in, I select the button for the second floor, impatiently tapping my foot while the elevator slowly ascends. The more annoyed I get at the speed, the slower the elevator seems to rise. I take a deep breath, trying to relax. Finally, the elevator stops and the door opens, accompanied by a high pitched ding.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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