3: I'm Out Of My Fucking Mind, I'm Out Of Control

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Hai guys! Last chapter was a breeze to write and it's enabled me to start working early on this one!

So the title of this chapter is derived from "To The Stage" and I am in love with that song by AA! <3 It's just amazing!

Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Love you guys!


Benjamin Paul Bruce
13 April 2015
4:45 a.m

I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned loudly, rolling over in my bunk to unplug the charger and answer the phone before I teleported through the screen to punch whoever the hell was calling me at this god-awful hour.

"Ben Bruce." I mumbled into the phone, my voice thick with sleep.

"Hi," a thick Ukrainian accent greeted me. "It's Denis. We spoke yesterday on the phone."

I almost groaned again. "I'm aware." I let out a sigh. "Now explain to me why the fuck you're calling me at this god-awful hour."

"I want to join Asking." That grabbed my attention. For the past year we've all been deliberating as to who we should pick for our replacement. So far, the only likely candidate we've managed to agree on is Denis Shaforostov, aka Denis Stoff. He's got a lot of passion and raw talent, his screams and growls are amazing and his singing is exceptional; both of those things remind me of how Danny was when we first started this band.

"Alright. You're in." I laughed. "I'm probably not gonna remember any of this when I'm fully awake."

Denis chuckled. "It's alright man, I'll remind you."

"So what made you want to join us?" I asked after a moment or two of a very awkward silence.

"I've always been a fan of Asking's work and shit. You guys are just amazing!" He laughed. "My old band actually met you guys. We went out drinking and shit one night."

"Which band was that?" I asked him. "We've met a lot of bands and we've gone out drinking with a lot of them."

"We were label-mates actually," Denis responded. "We were called 'Down & Dirty.'"

I almost fell out of my bunk. Almost. "Wait, you're THAT Denis Stoff?!" I remembered Danny yelling at me that night for staring at the kid like he was a god.

"Yeah!" He said in a humorous tone. "I'm THAT Denis Stoff!" Denis laughed. "So when can I come meet with you guys?"

"Whenever you can manage it," I responded. "I'm good for you whenever....errr I mean I can meet you whenever."

Denis giggled. "Yeah. Suuuure you meant it like that," he teased in a way that was making me simply crazy. "I don't mind though."

Christ, I couldn't have been any redder. I'm glad none of the guys can see me right now.

"So where in the world do you live Denis?" I asked.

"I'm currently in Kiev, Ukraine," he answered. "Why? Where are you?"

"I'm in London at the moment," I told him. "I gave you the directions right?"

"Yeah." He said awkwardly. "Well I'll let you go back to bed."

"Okay. I'll see you at some point Denis. Good morning." I laughed. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I was gonna need as much sleep as I could get.

"Good morning to you too Ben. Sleep well." Then he hung up. I promptly locked my phone, rolled back over in my bunk and went back to sleep.


12:17 p.m that same day

"Ben?" A soft voice whispered in my ear. Hot breath tickled my skin and I forced myself to open my eyes.

I really wished I hadn't.

Underneath the ceiling light I saw none other than Denis Stoff standing at my bunk-side, his shaggy dark brown hair falling over the gentle curves of his face and partially covering one of his eyes. I let out a soft breath and I unconsciously eyed him over.

"Denis?" I murmured after I sat up and got my eyes accumulated to the light. "What're you doing here?"

"I got on the next flight to London after we got off the phone and I came here!" He said excitedly. "I'm so stoked to be here!"

"I meant what are you doing beside my bunk."

"Oh." Denis grinned sheepishly. "Cameron and the others told me that I should wake you since I'm guest. Apparently that's how it goes?"

"No, that's NOT how it goes!" I said emphatically, my voice directed at Cameron, James and Sam. I heard their laughter in response and I knew immediately that this had been planned. I groaned and rolled my eyes at them, but I eventually settled down enough to laugh. I slid out of my bunk in my boxers and headed out to the lounge. The boys were gathered around the breakfast table eating pancakes. Sam looked up to see me and chuckled over a mouthful of pancakes. I wasn't all that hungry, even though the pancakes smelled delicious. Instead, I went right for the bottle of Jack in the cabinet and poured some into a glass, adding a few ice cubes. I sat down next to James and everyone was watching me. Denis must've made himself comfortable in the back of the bus because he wasn't with us here.

"What?" I asked.

James smirked. "Ben you're a bloody idiot. You know that right?"

"I'm not an idiot." I stated with mock hurt, sticking out my bottom lip and pouting like a child. The guys laughed at me.

"Ben stop! You're gonna make me piss myself!" Sam wheezed through fits of laughter. Cameron laughed at Sam and James was laughing at all of us. A grin floated onto my lips and I started laughing too. The four of us sat around the breakfast table, laughing our asses off like a bunch of hyenas on crack.

James stopped laughing suddenly and blurted out, "Denis has a crush on you Ben!"


James you are a moron. This is why the AA boys can NEVER burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. That bastard ruined it.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! The next one should be up within a few days!

Love you guys!

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