9: When Will You Realize?

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Hai guys!

I know I promised drama for this chapter and drama you will get it!

The title of this chapter is derived from lyrics from "Breathless" by Asking Alexandria.


Love you guys!


Benjamin Paul Bruce
14 April 2015
12:08 p.m.

I bolted upright with a start, my heart pounding furiously in my chest. I gave my head a quick shake and tried to even out my breathing. I mentally recalled last nights events.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I sobbed, heavy tears rolling down my cheeks. I swear I felt my heart start to break. "No...n-not Danny........"

The privacy curtain was pulled back and I saw Sam leaning on the frame of my bunk. "Move over," he ordered. "I'm coming up to sit with you."

I did as I was told and moved over to make some room for him. He gave me a tight hug.

"Shhhhh," Sam murmured as I sobbed on his shirt. "It's gonna be okay Benny."

I sobbed harder. That used to be a cute little nickname that Danny came up for me.

It used to be something Danny called me. He's dead now.

The harsh realization stabbed me in the chest like a dull blade. I continued sobbing into Sam's shirt. He sighed and started stroking my hair. His small fingers sifted through my mass of thick and curly hair and began to massage my scalp. I couldn't lie, it felt really nice and it was sorta relaxing. We sat like that for awhile, my face nestled in Sam's shirt and his fingers massaging my scalp.

Sam picked my head up and held my face in his hands. I squeezed my eyes shut. "Ben look at me."

I reluctantly opened my eyes and looked at him. "Mmmm?"

"Danny was toxic for you Ben. Yes, he loved you in the beginning but after awhile he was just using you for sex."

I cried, but no tears or sound came out. I was crying but the only thing I could feel was my heart breaking. It hurt so bad to hear it, but I think what hurt the most was the fact that a part of me had known that all along. At some point I knew that Danny didn't love me anymore and he was just using me for sex. Did I want to admit it to myself? Hell no! I'd have rather died than admitted the truth.

"Ben?" Sam's voice brought me back to reality. "You alright mate?"

I rolled away from him, irritability starting to bubble in my veins. "No. Go away."


"I said get away!" I snarled at him. He sighed and rubbed my back.

"Fine," he said quietly, his voice void of anger like I had originally thought it would have. "I hope that you're happier on your own." He paused for a single moment. "Denis said he wanted to see you when you've got a minute." Sam climbed out of my bunk and headed out to the breakfast area.

I reached over, about to pull the privacy curtain up, when Denis grabbed my hand. I yanked it away from him, my eyes welling with tears again.

"Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me." I gritted out each word. I shook my head and the tears rolled out of my eyes.

"Move over." Denis commanded.

"No," I growled. "Fuck you."

Denis smirked. "Didn't think you wanted to." He latched a hand onto my leg and pulled me close to the edge of my bunk. I struggled against his hand but it didn't seem to make him loosen his grip. In fact, it made Denis grip my leg all the harder. He moved his arm underneath my arms and pulled me out of my bunk. I fell into his arms and he held onto me like I was gold.

"Denis put me down!" I snapped as he suddenly threw me over his shoulder. I slapped him in the ass and his grip on me "slipped". I grabbed onto his ass and I felt Denis's body vibrate with laughter.

"Shut up!" I growled. He hauled me into the lounge and shut the door behind us with his leg. Denis not-so-gently threw me onto the pullout couch which had turned into a bed.

He might actually be serious about the fucking.

"What do you want from me?" I mumbled.

"You." The way Denis said it turned my insides to mush. That hasn't happened in a long-ass time.

"Oh......." I muttered. In a flash he was on top of me and holding me down by my wrists. "Hey!" I said in protest. "How did you know I liked that?"

Denis smirked. "It was a lucky guess I suppose." He moved his face down to mine and I felt my chest tighten with excitement. "I really wanna kiss you Ben."

I bit down on my bottom lip and Denis ran his thumb across it. Shivers of arousal ran down my spine and I exhaled a bit heavily.

Denis stared down at me. "Excited?"I bit my lip nervously, tonguing the silver ring in it. He smirked and kissed me. I almost moaned against his lips. They were soft like velvet, supple and so damn warm. I moved against him, creating a small field of friction between us. He moved both of my wrists into one hand and began to slowly palm me. I moved my lower half against his hand and breathed heavily through my nostrils. I was getting turned on and I wanted him to satisfy me.

Denis's tongue slipped between my lips and he began to take control of not only my mouth, but my body as well. He slipped my clothes off my body and slipped his off his own body. I broke away for a single moment to catch my breath, for I had begun to pant.

Denis was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "What?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't want to leave you breathless."

I laughed. "When will you realize that maybe I wanna be breathless?"

Denis kissed me, less roughly and more passionately this time. I enjoyed the feeling of out lips together.

"Hey Ben?"


"Can we fuck?"


That seemed like a good place to stop for this chapter. I guess you guys'll have to wait for Ben's answer to Denis's question!


I can't wait to share the next chapter with you guys!

Love you guys!

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