Bullies Want To Party

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*For ASL words, I will put English interpretation with it.*

"Come on, time to get up!" A female voice disturbs my amazing dream which I was breathing underwater and swimming with seals. I don't get to dream like this very often and I wish to dream about it more. I hate it when something or someone disturbs my wonderful dreams. I hate it even more when I can't finish it.

I mentally groan, swinging my hands up in the air to push away someone. I feel my hand connecting a object and it goes away a little groan. Oops. Did I just hit her?

"Geez, girl. Even though you're thin like a stick, you can hit hard." I hear my stepsister speaking, getting off me. I sit up to see breakfast on the table and Zaria standing next to my bed. She rubs her forehead and I feel like laughing. I can't believe that I actually caught her off guard. I mentally laugh, smiling as I do.

"Come on, you're almost late for school." She says in a motherly way and raises her hands, clapping them together. "Chop chop!"

I hop out of my bed, stuff my mouth full of eggs, bacon, and hash browns. I drink the whole glass of milk without stopping for air and I rush to my dresser. I grab out my favorite shirt and jean, a Marvel shirt of Iron Man on it with a pair of ripped jeans. I put on my black spiked ankle boots, a leather jacket and slide my The Walking Dead backpack on my shoulders. Yeah, I'm a nerd. I brush my hair, straighten them and add a cute Marvel bow to it.

No matter how old I am, I'll never be tired of being a fan of something.

"Ready?" Zaria asks when I'm done doing my morning routines.

I nod and she motions me to follow her. She's dressed in a teal floral dress with brown knee length boots. Her hair is curly, matching with her cute outfit. We walk up the stairs, she opens the door, and leads me into her bedroom. The walls are light purple, the carpet match the walls with its sandy color. She leads me to the walk-in closet at the right. It's full of many clothes, shoes, and bags. Zaria is really into fashion and I'm only into nerd, superhero, and geeky fashion.

We go to the end of the closet which it is covered by thick coats. Zaria pushes them away to reveal a hidden light purple door. She had built this door for me to escape to someplace sometimes. It's nice, though.

She pushes the door and it opens without making a sound. We stroll out into the woods. There's some houses that are surrounded by the woods, a giant cabin with a porch at the back where the Alpha lives, a training area where warriors train close to the Alpha's house, and a huge wooden school. The school contains all grades for any kids here from preschool to senior. Zaria is a senior and I'm a sophomore. The reason why I'm a sophomore because I'm a low-ranked wolf and Stepdad didn't put me in school for two years when I was 14 years old. Again, thanks to him, I have a lot to catch up with stuff, but at least, I'm able to finish the classes early due to my intelligence.

Anyway, we stroll to school, some teens are chatting and some little kids are running around at the playground, playing tag as they shriek and laugh. Zaria waves goodbye to me and wanders off to find her friends. I walk into the school, heading for the library where I always hang out. I walk pass the cafeteria full of kids eating breakfast, chatting, and doing homework. I climb the stairs at the end of the room, going up to second floor where the library is at. I turn left, open the door, and head inside the room I love so much. The kind librarian, Miss Kathy (she rather be called by her first name) smiles at me and goes back to reading her mystery book. She knows me a lot and I know her a lot. Her fierily red hair matches with her bright blue eyes, her bright pink lip combines with her freckles on her white skin. She wraps herself in a black blanket, covering her olive green shirt, light brown pant and black ankle boots.

"How are you, Julia?" She asks as I pick out a book from the shelf. We have about 40 shelves, but almost no one uses it. The high school library rarely gets people to get books and I'm glad that I do come here. It's calm and quiet here. I breathe in the sweet smell of books (don't get me wrong, I love the smell of books, old and new).

Good, I sign. She has learned ASL also and in that way, she can know what I want and such.

"New book of Percy Jackson just arrived. Just lettin' you know."

I nod. I pick out five books, including the newest Percy Jackson book and I walk to the check out counter. Students are not allowed to get six books, only two, but Miss Kathy lets me pick out as many books as I want since I'm the only one borrowing books. While Miss Kathy's checking them, a pack of teens walk in and I desperately want to growl. Any other day, but this. Why do they at least have to come today and here? Why here?

"Hello, Ju-lia." A black haired and brown eyes boy mocks my name and his friends laugh. I mentally growl and roll my eyes. No matters how hard I tried not to get angry and start a fight, I calm myself before I can. Part of me become afraid and the other part is mad.

I keep a calm face on as he asks, "Heard you're having an 18th birthday. Is that so?"

I look back to Miss Kathy and smile when she hands me my books. The boy grabs my arm and harshly turns me around. Seriously dude, you need to stop this, I thought.

"Why are we not invited?" He raises his brow. Well, duh, you're a bully and so are your friends, I thought. What other reason you think you can't go? Clearly, this guy is being the dumbest one today.

Because all you bullies, I sign. (Because all of you are bullies). Miss Kathy says it out loud and he slowly nods. He meets my eyes with his dark eyes, deep in thought. There you go. You better realize what you just did to me for a last few years. You better somehow make it up to me somehow, dude.

"So... How about we go to your party, get you gifts, that's it?"

If you want come, you need say sorry t-o everyone and promise stop bullying me for rest life, Kathy interprets as I sign. (If you want to come, you're gotta have to say sorry to everyone and promise to stop bulling me for the rest of my life.)

He shares a look with the others, realizing that there's no other choice. They nod, encouraging him. Seems like his friends are smarter than him after all.

"Fine. We'll stop and say sorry." Then he walks away, his friends following him. I almost shake my head. You better be, dumbass.

I sigh, at least, they'll stop once they say that in front of everyone. Hopefully.

"So when are you turning 18?" Kathy asks, putting her hand on her chin. Oh yeah. I forgot to tell her about this and I feel bad for not telling her. I face her, seeing her eyes shine brightly with excitement.

Tonight, I sign.

"Don't you have a mate yet? I'm pretty sure you'll find him tonight. I can't wait to find mine." She grins. I love her and she's amazing. I recall her saying that many times. She's 22, still waiting to find her mate. And yet, I already have a mate, but I doubt that he'll ever accept me as his mate for that I'm a lowly and muted wolf.

No, me don't. I reply. And me think you will find sweetheart soon. (No, I don't. And I think you'll find your mate soon).

She nods, "Well, you will soon, right?"

Riiiiiiiiiiiing! The bell rings and I walk out to get into my English class. I meet up with Zaria and a few of her friends. They say hi to me and I answer back by waving my hand and smiling. We walk in the class, I'm sitting at the front, Zaria behind me and her friends near us. The bell rings again and our grey haired, sliver eyed, and cowboy style dressed teacher, Mr. Sliverwood, starts to speak, "All right, we're on page 179. We're going to learn about how wars affected people's lives."

Oh boy, I cannot wait for my party tonight. I hope nothing will not go wrong and I will have a great time. I hope my mate will not be there...

Picture is Miss Kathy. Comment, vote, share, and follow. Thanks.
Edited: May 28, 2017

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