Chapter 2: Mathews 6th Birthday and a Special guest?

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A/n: hey guys i want you guys to know that i put in Mathews lullaby its called Secrets by Pierces just incase the link i put in my last chapter didn't work


A/n: soon you just gotta be patient

Offender: You know i could help by tracking reader-chan by smell don't you know?~ *twirls around 'reader-chans' thongs*

Jeff: HEY GIVE ME THAT!!!!!!!! *tries to grab the thongs*


Toby: I WANNA SEE THEM!!!!!!

A/n: really? =3=

showtime_da_wolf: *whispers* should i tell them that those are really Offendermans thongs?


(Third Person Pov.)

Its October 13th and it's been three years since Mathew arrived at the Slendermansion and Mathews birthday is comming up. As BEN and Jeff where in the living room arguing if Xbox is better than the PS3 (but in my opinion i think PS3 is better) Toby was poking Masky and calling his name while poor Masky was just sitting with Hoodie eating cheescake together.

JTM (thats Jason the Toymaker since i just realized that theres going to be two Jasons in this story) was in his shop in the attic making a doll from his victims body. L.j was sitting in the kitchen shoving his face in a bowl of candy while E.j was next to him reading a newspaper to see if there were anything about his killings. JaSoN was in his room working on his shrine of (name). Mathew was in his room looking out the window knowing that theres something thats gonna go on Friday.

Slender suddenly appeared in the living room and looked at three of his proxies that were fooling around. He sighed shaking his head till he cleared his throat catching the attention of all three proxies.

"I want all of you to call everyone except Mathew please." He spoke to the proxies.

They all looked at each other and turned to Slender and nodded. They all went up to the stairs to go and get all the creepypastas except Mathew. And as everyone went down into the foyer (just like the on in the picture sorry if its crappy) and meet up with Slender.

"Alright children im not sure if most of you know but on Friday the 13th it will be Mathews birthday and i want this to be a surprise for the child." Slender said.

"But how do we make sure Mathew doesn't see what we're doing when it's his birthday." E.j said.

"Thats easy he will be playing with Sally in her room in till Toby will go over and tell them its time for dinner." Slendy said.

Soon after everyone was given their job to help out with getting the party ready. Such as Jeff, Toby, Jane, Nina, and BEN in charge with decorations, Hoodie, Clockwork, JaSoN, Puppeteer, and L.j to make the cake, and E.j, JTM, Masky, and BRVR were creating concepts for the birthday games. While the rest were either going to the Underworld (if you dont know where that is look up Creeps episode 1) or making their presents for Mathew.

¤\¤\¤\¤\¤\¤\¤\(Time skip to Friday the 13th brought to you the most impossible question in the world......Would you rather live with Spain and help him take care of chibi Romano and chibi Italy? or take care of chibi America and chibi Canada with England the choice? is yours)¤/¤/¤/¤/¤/¤/¤

Its now Friday and Sally and Mathew where in Sallys room playing tea party. While everyone was downstairs helping out creating the party. As Sally was drinking her 'tea' she notice Mathew not doing anything but looked nervous.

"Is there something wrong Mathew? is the tea bitter?" Sally questioned.

"No the tea is lovely, its just that......." He said (i dont know why i just thought of him having ciels kid voice right there XD)

"Just what?" Sally said as she grew very curious.

".......its just mom said that she'll be back in three years on Friday 13th which means she might come today but....... everyone keeps saying she is never coming back or that she left me here forever and i dont want that." Mathew soon started to get tears in his eyes as his voice wavered.

"Well......dont worry im sure she hasn't forgotten you maybe you'll see her." Sally said unsure.

Mathew sighed as he nodded and the door al of a sudden opened rudely and it showed Toby.

"H-hey guys i-its dinner ti-time." He said with his twitch.

They all nodded and stood up and Sally grabbed her teddy and all fallowed Toby. As they approach the foyer it was all dark and Mathew lost sight of Toby and Sally. He stopped and the stairs and hand on the rales to make sure he doesn't fall down the stairs. And thats when the lights turned on and every pasta jumped out and yelled.

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!" they all shouted.

Mathew was surprised and finally smiled as he walked all the way down stairs as Masky and Hoodie brought out the cake.

♢¿♢¿♢¿♢¿♢¿♢(Time skip to night time brought to you by fangirls the only thing that the creepypastas fear )♢¿♢¿♢¿♢¿♢¿♢

It was the middle of the night and Mathew was still in the foyer he was in front of a fire place that was on the left side of the foyer. Mathew was in his regular P.js, a black shirt with a skull and black plaid bottoms with golden trimming. He sighed as he watched the flames dance in order to forget the sadness he felt. It was practically 12:43 a.m and his mom didn't show up. It crushed him how everyone was right about his mom not showing up.

As Mathew slowly started to shut his eyes as he laid on his left side he saw the door open and close. And a figure started to walk towards him.

¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*(Mean while at the other side of the mansion)*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥

What Mathew didn'tknow was that Sally told Slenderman that Mathews mom might be someone an actual danger to the creepypastas so Slenderman called a meeting for everyone except Mathew.

"Alright is everyone here?" Slender announced.

Everyone nodded as they all sat down in the meeting room. (Lets say its as big as a band room)

"Okay now im sure that you all know about Mathews obsession with his mother correct?" Slender questioned.

"Of course i swear that kid could be JaSoNs kid with their obsession with an imaginary person." Puppeteer said with a smirk.


Helen (Bloody Painter) started to blush under his mask as Puppeteer glared a JaSoN.

"Quiet!!!! Mathew will hear you. Now i think we should-" Slender aaid before he was rudely interrupted.

"WAIT!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR THAT!?!?!?!" Glitchy Red shouted.

"Glitchy be quiet Mathew will hear!!!!!!!" Jane said.

"No i hear something too Jane." Clocky said.

Everyone soon began to settle down and soon started to hear a lullaby.

'Gotta secret? can you keep it? swear this one you'll save? better locket in your pocket, taking this one to the grave. if i show you then i know you won't tell what i said. Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.'


(A/n: sup guys i want you to comment to see if you want me to do JaSoN for you step brother or for Jason the Toymaker i put in JTM alright

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