Chapter One

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Cayden Preparatory.

They say its for the 'gifted at heart' but estimating from yesterday, my first day, that's just some foreign language meaning 'hell on earth.'

It wasnt that bad, it had proper education and there were some nice teachers some strict teachers. Cayden would be an elegant high school if it weren't for the uptight, egoistic, know-it-all popular kids. They're so wannabe, trying to make me feel like shish berry cake (that's right. I just turned a cuss word into a cake. Hold your applause till the end.) when I really don't give a llama.

Like always, there were those jocks but every school I've been to, including elementary school, one of those jock groups but they're SO FREAKING STUPID. They think they're all cool and stuff and they all usually go out with the cheerleaders but from my perspective they're just wannabe Channing Tatums.

But, there is still that badass guy that sits in the back of class all the time and comes to school with a black eye and all that bull crap..well they're usually like all freaky guys with some piercing or a hidden tattoo but the rebel dude at this school was like, attractive.

No way in hell he's gonna get in my way. It's too bad he's in my English, PE, History and Home Ec classes.



My eyes snapped open at the freezing sensation on my thighs and I let out a loud, husky scream. "WHAT THE FRICK! LAURYN RENEE PARKER YOU WILL DIE TODAY!" I hissed at my older sister. She was only older by, like, two years, I can still boss her around like a..boss..

She seemed calm at that moment. But wouldn't you if your life was in deep danger? Yeah, note the sarcasm.

Se didn't know but I was plotting different ways to murder her at that moment. I wanted to wipe that stupid little smirk off her face!

"C'mon, it's your second day of school!" She chirps, trying to make me feel excited when I wanted to hide in a cave and never come out. A cave that had Internet connection.

"Oh, yay life!" I responded sarcastically. She simply rolled her eyes before skipping away. I was mentally older than her because of my maturity; she still acted like an eight year old. "Oh boohoo. Your going whether you-"

"Like it or not." I finished off for her. She rolled her eyes once again, and lounged down on the couch. The college she applied to hasn't notified her yet so she just gets free days until they actually accept her. If they accept her.

She's actually pretty intelligent though and is planning to study marine biology because of her soft spot for marine life. But that'll mean moving to Vancouver, where her university actually is.

I had already gotten ready and washed my hair and now I was blow drying my hair in peace. If only I could live peacefully forever, with WiFi..and my laptop..and my phone..and my skate board..

So basically my bedroom.

I raced downstairs and the smell of bacon met my nose as soon as I reached the last step. Oh, bacon, the only thing that seems to make me happy right now. If only my dad hadn't finished it all. "YOU'RE SO SELFISH!" Lauryn yelled for me but dad wasn't intimidated by her screams in his ear.

"Aw, c'mon, we don't get the tiniest bit?" I asked dad, a little bit more polite. He just chuckled and pointed at the pan where there were four strips of delicate, scrumptious, precious bacon.

Lauryn and I sprinted to the counter and grabbed two strips each and we both shoved them down out throats before you could say 'how are they still skinny?'

Yeah, we wonder that everyday.

"Bye Dad, see you Lori!" I yelled out to my family before speeding to the front door. I heard a casual "see you later" before I shut the door.

It's too bad I haven't seen any friendly people at Cayden Prep because I could've gotten a ride to school, but no! I'm stuck on the bus. A bus that had colourful graffiti sprayed on every seat.

The bus came to a stop and I said a quick thanks to the bus driver before hopping out of the vehicle. I've always hated buses because one: you always get awkward stares and two: it doesn't have seatbelts so we can all die. Oh what a happy, happy ending.

The hell of a high school stood before me plus all the students. I immediately spotted the main groups that tried to make my life a living hell but failed; the jocks, cheerleaders and a bunch of dancers. The dancers seemed pretty cool but the leader was downright annoying and her little squeaky voice and blonde hair and-

Basically Barbie.

"Hi Em!" She chirped at me and I raised an eyebrow immediately. "Emma. It's Emma." I snapped at her in response. She didn't flinch once, much to my dismay. Her glossy pink lips twitched into a fake grin.

"You know me, right? It's Cassidee, I introduced you to the cheerleaders and I yesterday." 'Cassidee' said in reply and no part of me had enough energy to care about her and her little cheerleaders.

Wait, cheerleaders? I thought she was the dance captain?

This school is already messing with my mind.

"Mhm." I replied carelessly before walking past her and shoving her a little bit in the process, just to let my irritation out.

I found my locker instantly and threw my Lonsdale bag in there roughly. When I slammed the locker furiously to let my anger free I saw that badass guy that I was planning to avoid.

Avoid my arse, he's in half my classes.

Well since I can't avoid him I might as well have a little fun with this.

I approached the rebel confidently and just when I was inches away from tapping his shoulder someone pushed me out of the way and my back hit the lockers behind me loudly. Surprisingly, everyone was too tired to care about the loud slam and the demon students just went on with their life.

While I was standing here being held against a locker by a maniac of a girl.

"Are you trying to commit suicide or something?!" The maniac in front of me whisper-shouted.

I raised my eyebrows before pushing her back furiously. She winced but I didn't give a llama if she broke her arm when I pushed her out of my way. "No! Who the hell do you think you are?" I hissed at the strange girl. She furrowed her eyebrows together and stiffened up.

She grabbed my left arm causing me to jerk forwards, "that's Ethan Mason; you know that dude who gets into the street fights and all that, he will eat you alive if you dare to touch him!" She whisper-shouts once again and in my opinion she was just overreacting. He's probably got a soft side. "Yeah? Well it's too bad I don't give a crap." I snapped at her.

She was relaxed now by the looks of it. "You're new here aren't you?" She asks whilst placing her hands on her hips. I nodded and her lips curved into a smirk.

"And you've met Cassidee?"


"And Elliott?"

"Is that the jock guy?"


"Yes and I plan to never be thirty feet within his area."

She chuckled "Good. So now you've met Ethan."

"Barely." I replied with a shrug. The smirk on her tan face became wider and I was suddenly creeped out, "and you need a ride home." The girl finishes matter-of-factly. I nod furiously. "You know me too well."


a / n

hiiii. :) like it so far? yes, yes you do. thank you(:

So if its confusing here;

Emma is the main character.

Lauryn (nicknamed Lauri/Lori) is her sister

Ethan Mason is the rebel guy

Elliott is the jock

The maniac chick will be introduced.

kbye(: xx

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