Chapter Two

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[not edited/proofread! kbye(:]

The previous day I had learned that the strange maniac girl wasn't much of a maniac than I thought. Instead, she was as weird as me.

She had told me the 'basics' of Cayden Preparatory and the do's and don'ts. None of the, really made sense to me but I went along with it because that chick was my ride to school for now on. Oh! And her name was Delilah. How...ah..girl-ish.


"FRIDAY! FRIDAY! GOT TO GET DOWN OM FRIDAY," I sang throughout the house, soaking the floor with my wet hair. I was thankful that it was Friday-

"Emma?" Lori called with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes?" I replied showing my happiness with a wide smile.

"It's Wednesday."


"Oh.." I responded sheepishly.

She laughed at my 'stupidity.' I think she was just jealous of my awesomeness. Who isn't?!

I changed into dark blue demim shorts and a tee that had large clear black words printed on it saying 'Note the Sarcasm.'

Ah, sarcasm, a human's natural defence against stupidity.

I slipped into navy vans and sped downstairs, panting heavily. "Bye dad, see you Lori!" I yelled out. I heard a faint 'see ya later' before I slammed the door shut. Delilah was waiting inside of her forest green Mercedes whilst singing loudly to the song 'Impossible' by James Arthur.

"GO AHEAD TELL THEM, TELL THEM ALL I KNOW NOW!" She sang furiously with the radio.

I was so close to scolding her for being an idiot but y'know, what the hell. "SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! WRITE IT ON THE SKYLINE," I continued with her and soon enough we both burst into laughter.

I've only known her for less than two days but I feel like she's one of those best friends that I've been friends with since birth. We're so alike, both equally crazy. "Hop in," Delilah orders enthusiastically and I do what she says quickly.


"Stop going over the speed limit!" I shout and she chuckles in response. I groan before resting my head on my hand and Delilah starts to giggle uncontrollably.

"We're here!" She stated before turning off the radio and parking the car terribly.

"Yay." Was my response and the sarcasm was clear in my tone. Delilah didn't bother to wait, instead she sprinted to the gates without a second glance. I glared at the back of her head coldly until I heard a loud, irritating squeal.

"What? If that office teacher gave you another bag of skittles I swear you're already hyper enough..." I trailed off but the excited grin never left her face.

"Elliott is hosting a party." Delilah stated matter-of-factly. "Ah, too bad I don't give a damn." I huffed in response. Teenagers plus alcohol all in the same house always leads to crazy arse stuff.

"No, you have time to give damns!" She argued stupidly. At my old school the popular kid always hosted some sort of party at least once every two months. They weren't stupid try-hard parties actually; they were legendary. I only went to one to figure out as epic as they can be, they're still stupid.

"Well we aren't invited so boohoo." I replied and if she wanted to argue with that I would shove a lollipop down her throat so it'll never digest and she would die.

Im a very violent person. Whatever.

Delilah just groaned, telling me she gave up. The thought made me smirk and amusement shone in my eyes. You couldn't go to some party without being invited! Unless you crash it.

Which we will not be doing.


I was free from this prison of a high school and the first thing I attempted to do was sleep. Key word being ATTEMPTED, and much to my dismay I had failed. So I had toast. Then I had a bag of air- oh look! A little bit of chips!

I heard a faint knock at the door and the loud ring of the doorbell.

I sprinted over to it only to see a certain brunette behind the glass and I groaned before opening the door. "Why can't you just come to the party with meee?" Delilah whined and I grinned widely. My smile made her roll her eyes but I could sense her amusement "I have many, many reasons."

Before I knew it we were upstairs sitting on my queen sized bed lazily. "And the jocks just think they're soo cool, throwing parties and all that shiz." I added to my long list of reasons. She was tired of listening to it but I had one more!

"And lastly, on Friday I am busy." I finished coolly. Delilah merely cocked one eyebrow up.

"Oh, you're busy Friday night? Hmm, what might you be doing?" She said with a smirk. I stayed confident; I was a good liar. I didn't actually have plans on Friday night, surprise surprise.

"I'm visiting a certain sponge's Pineapple house,under the sea." Was my 'smart' response. I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth and Delilah just burst into laughter, "Wow. Okay," she replied, going with the flow and sarcasm rolling off her tongue.

"Spongebob is his name!" I added enthusiastically.

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