Black Friday with Captain Swan

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Black Friday. When Emma had first said those words, Killian had had no idea what she was talking about. A Friday where everyone wore black? A Friday where it was dark all day because the sun didn't rise? A holiday that always took place on a Friday celebrating people of color? Something that had nothing to do with the words 'Black Friday' at all? You could never tell with this realm.

Killian, having no idea what Black Friday was and not wanting to confess that to Emma, turned to Henry for help.

"It's a day where all the crazies go shopping for Christmas presents," Henry explained. "When my Mom and I were in New York last year, we didn't even risk leaving the apartment on Black Friday."

"Well your mother seemed quite interested in it this year. Emma, that is."

Henry frowned. "Maybe it's not as hectic in Maine. New York City is pretty crazy on a regular basis."

"Ah. Well I suppose she's planning on venturing outside of Storybrooke then. When is this 'Black Friday' exactly?"

"The day after Thanksgiving. So it's this Friday."


Four days later, Emma and Killian were standing outside of a JCPenney somewhere across the town line. Emma pulled her coat tighter around her and looked over at Killian. "You ready?"

"Of course, love."

The two plunged into the crowds of people in the store. Emma had made Killian take off his hook so there were no accidents involving it, and because the hook would probably not be allowed in the store in the first place. The two dodged through the people frantically trying to get Christmas presents for family and friends until the reached their goal. The perfect present for Henry.

"What is it?" Killian asked as Emma stood on her tiptoes to reach the box. It was the last one left in the color Henry wanted.

"A lava lamp Bluetooth speaker. You probably wouldn't understand if I explained it to you, so I'll wait to give you an explanation."

"Okay," Killian understood the word lamp and one meaning of the word lava, but he was certain the box Emma was holding didn't have real lava in it. It was just cardboard, after all. And why would Emma be giving Henry a box of lava for Christmas?

They waited in the checkout line for what seemed like several hours before they got outside and began the long walk through the cold to the back of the parking lot, where Emma had to park her yellow bug at because there were no close parking spaces.

Emma pulled a list out of her pocket once they were back to her car. She crossed off the top thing and moved to the next. "Now we go to Khol's. I have the perfect present for Regina in mind."

Killian sighed as Emma started the car again. This was going to be quite the day. However, he was more than glad that he was at least able to spend it with his Swan.


Author's note from Ruby: Happy Black Friday! This is my first one-shot for this and it's Captain Swan because they're the only two crazy enough to go Black Friday shopping...or they would be if they were both still heroes. Now I'm not sure.

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