Chapter 1*

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-10:00 am Sunday morning-

" daddy I'm ready to go now " Angelnae said

" I know baby girl daddy just has to finish the rest of this paper work so we can go get dinner and head home " I said looking back at my computer screen.

" what are we gonna eat daddy please tell me no more soup it makes my tummy hurt" she said sticking her bottom lip out.

" no angel no more soup what do you want you can't have all that fat food anyway your a dancer remember " I said packing my items away.

" I know dad but can I have some chipotle at least before I have to go on my regular weekly school diet." She groaned

" only this time you know how I feel about those fast food restaurants there all unhealthy I don't care if they sell lettuce" I said

" yay thank you Daddy " she said doing a pirouette smiling huge.

" did you finish all your homework " I asked putting on my jacket.

" yes I really like my teacher this year she's very sweet and beautiful" she said smiling

" good that means I won't have to switch you out of a class like I do every year because you don't like the teacher" I smiled

" yeah you won't and we have parent teacher conference next week so you can meet her " she said

" yeah ... Do you have all your things before we go because you like to forget stuff. " I said

" I have everything daddy I'm positive " she smiled grabbing my hand.

" alright let's get out of here and get some dinner." I said

-Car ride -

" omg dad this is my song turn it up please " she said screamed

I turned the radio up as she sung every lyric

" you used to call me on my cell phone , late night when you need my love , call me on my cell phone." She sang

She sounded just like her mother man I miss her so much I watch Angelnae grow up all the time I realize that she truly is my angel my blessing.

We got our food and headed back home

/Next morning/

" wake up princess it's time for school " I said

" yay I get to see ms. Knowles "she screamed

" who is that angel " I asked

" my teacher dad duh " she said laughing

She ran into her bathroom and freshened up as I ironed her clothes

I walked into our Kitchen and prepared her smoothie with strictly vegetables with her Honey Nut Cheerios .

I was already dressed so I just wait for her to come out of her room with the outfit I didn't pick out but I can't knock her swag she's growing up she won't be a baby next month when she turns 13 but she acts like a baby .

She came out and smiled at me because she knew what I was thinking .

" I hope you like it daddy I picked it out " she said

" I love it darling " I said smiling

" dad what am I doing for my born day " she asked sipping her smoothie.

" what do you want to do " asked

" I wanna visit moms grave and then go out to eat nothing really big it's not the same anymore " she said

My daughters teacherWhere stories live. Discover now