The Summer Months

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Safe and Sound ~ Capital Cities

School had finished for the year about a month after the incident with the Kanima and Gerard. We weren't sure if Gerard was dead or alive and, frankly, I really didn't care as long as he left us alone. But Alan and Marian searched for him, following a trail of the black, tarry stuff the psycho left behind, but never were able to find any clue of him after the trail disappeared. I am not ashamed to admit it. I really hoped the bastard was dead.

The Whittemores, upset over their son disappearing from the Beacon Hills Memorial morgue and showing up, alive and naked, miles away, decided to leave Beacon Hills. In fact, they were so upset they left the United States altogether. Derek and Scott worked together to teach Jackson how to control his shifts before he moved to London. I have no idea how many times he apologized to everyone for his actions as a Kanima. I ended up threatening to hit him with a Mountain Ash stick if he apologized to me one more time, much to Derek, Isaac, and Peter's amusement.

Lydia joined the supernatural knowledge club after Anna and I explained everything that had happened to her from the time she was bit on the lacrosse field at the formal to managing to drag Derek to the Hale house to resurrect Peter. I think her knocking Derek out with powdered wolfsbane and getting him to the Hale house confused her the most. It had confused the hell out of me, and Derek, at the time, as well. She hadn't remembered a thing about the incident. She didn't even remember her party or the fact that she'd poisoned everyone with wolfsbane. She'd been horrified when we told her that, her first question being if she almost killed Scott. Anna had explained to Lydia whatever species she'd used only caused hallucinations. Anna told me she'd had one of me being angry and resentful of the fact that I was her legal guardian.

Scott spent his summer earning enough money to buy himself a dirt bike and in summer school, having promised Coach, and his mom, to get his grades back up. And the fact that if he hadn't gotten them up, he would have repeated his sophomore year and been kicked off the lacrosse team. Anna, Stiles, and Lydia helped him out a lot.

Chris decided to retire from Hunting, recent events having decimated his family. Allison was all he had left now and Chris was a father before he was a Hunter. Seeing his daughter used as a pawn by his father and the fact that his father made me chose between my own family and his, Chris couldn't do it anymore. The two had been in France for the past four months, although Anna and Allison had stayed in contact the entire time.

As for me, Derek, Isaac, and Peter? When I wasn't at work, I was helping the pack track down Erica and Boyd, who were still missing four months later. And when Peter wasn't with my sister, he was regaining his abilities and tracking leads. I have to admit he was good on the knowledge front. School is about to start once again and now Isaac is missing. And I'm hoping that he hasn't met the same fate as his pack siblings.

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