Welcome to hell

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      They say the road to hell is paved by good intentions, but what if fate already has you signed up for hell? I pondered this as I walked to my closet. I grabbed some black skinny jeans, a white and black lace tank top. I headed into the bathroom getting dressed, finding a pair of kick ass high heel boots. I threw them on going to the mirror inspecting my long dark red hair. I brushed my teeth,  put on makeup praying I didn't stab my green eyes with the mascara wand. I put on blood red lipstick, the color a startling contrast to my pale skin.
      I headed downstairs my house empty. My parents were still on there year long vacation in Florida. I sighed as I poured coffee in a mug adding a shit ton of sugar. I gripped the mug as I heard a sharp high pitched squeal coming from the driveway. I gripped the mug so hard it shattered. "Good job Kasadaya," I muttered to myself "the evermore graceful person." I sarcastically spit out, I changed into a blue and black lace tank top and new jeans.
I headed out to see my friend Stef AKA storm in the driver seat of a red jeep. I hopped in the passenger side, looking at her outfit. She wore a black crop top, high wasted jeans, her long straight blonde hair looked sleek in the sunlight, she had on black ankle boots and her blue eyes held a glint of mischievousness. I smiled at her, she smiled back her purple lips smiling wide.
"Hey Kas," she said using my nickname "how's it going?"
"Good, even though you know I hate it when you honk." I sent a glare at her, but she just smiled letting it roll off her shoulders.
       It was startling how different she was from me. I was so serious and she was so carefree. She looked like she came from a magazine and I looked like I rolled out of bed. Her tan skin held a nice glow, her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Me however looked like a extra from twilight. But I did love my hair and green eyes, they made me unique and well me.
      She drove out of my driveway like a bat out of hell. I clutched the 'oh shit' Handel and I prayed that we would make it to school alive. We arrived at the school going Mach 10. Stef  parked and I let out a shaky breath, I looked at her grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
      "I'm driving next time," I say jumping out, trying not to throw up. "I don't feel like dying at the age of sixteen."
       "Awe," Stef moaned "it's so fun though!"
        I looked at her like she was crazy, which isn't impossible. Before I could retort the bell rang. "Shit," I muttered "we're gonna be late. I suggest you run." I start to book it across the parking lot. I got my books and I ran into my first period, and I found the nearest open seat. I ran to it siting down heaving a sigh, as I watch the teacher come in late.

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