No salvation

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It was finally lunch! I ran out of my math classroom, and headed straight to the cafeteria. I got in line just as a hoard of students walked in. I grabbed some pizza even though I wasn't a big fan of it. I got an apple and some milk and headed to stef's and I's table. I heaved out a sigh my head hurting from the discussion about right angles and algebra and all that horse shit. Stef soon came to the table and she took a good look at me and laughed.
"How was math?" She asked knowing full well that it wasn't good.
"Horrid just horrid!" I groaned out. "When will I ever in life need to know how to find a fucking right angle!" I dropped my head back, I looked up to see the ever dark Chase grinning down at me like a shithead.
"Awe little bug," he dropped his hand down to my head ruining my hair. "Don't get mad. You are too cute whe your mad. Your nose scrunches up and it's too cute."
I glared at him "I hope the cuteness helps you die." I looked to see Stef winking at me like a total idiot.
"Is this seat open?" He points to the open chair next to me.
"Yes, yes it is! Please sit!" Stef interjected. I glared daggers at her. She just grinned in return.
          Chase plopped down, he looks at me funny and I stick my tongue out at him. I know classy and grown up, but he started it..... Ugh! I leave my pizza untouched and I eat my apple, than drink my milk. I scoot the plate of greasy pizza to Chase who, grabs it with a grin and winks at me. I blush and roll my eyes.
        "So Chase," Stef says trying to lighten the mood. "How is your first day here at hall high?"
         "More like hell high." I mutter to myself. I am surprised to hear Chase laugh and look at me. How could he hear me? I'm sure I was quiet. Stef just looks at us, just as confused as I am.
        "It was okay," he never breaks eye contact with me and I sure as hell won't back down. "It started out a little shaky, but it's nice here." I choke a little on the last part, Chase smiles sweetly and I have the sudden urge to wipe that smug smile off his face.
        "Sounds nice," Stef says picking at her salad. "Kas and I have been waiting for a new kid."
         I glared at her blushing, then kicking her in the shin. She just smiles serenely, looking at Chase.
         "Oh really? Why is that?" He asks looking to me. Why me? Why does he have to look at me?! Thankfully then the bell rings and I run off forgetting my trash. "You can't avoid me for forever, Marick!" He calls to me "Dream on, Arivack!" I call back heading to my science class.

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