Sticks and stones

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It was Monday morning. I wanted to die a little, but the thought of seeing Chase spurred me out of bed. I got dressed in black skinny jeans, a COD T-shirt, and combat boots.
I put on mascara and perfume, I put on my favorite marshmallow lip gloss and headed downstairs.
I put my coffee in a travel mug, and headed out to see Stef come blazing in my driveway.
"What up bitch!" She said obviously having a caffeine high.
"The sky slut." I joke back.
She laughs at me, and I hop in the car.
"LETS GO!" As she drives off I see Chase looking at us, smiling.
We drive so fast I swear we are going to get pulled over. I grip the 'oh shit' handle, it's almost like routine with us. We fly into the parking lot at break neck speeds. As usual her Cheshire grin is plastered on her face.
As we walk into the school I see chase come blazing in, his jeep squeal as he comes to a stop.
I shake my head and laugh a little. His tall figure, strides toward me. He's like a behemoth compared to my 5'2 height.
"Hey little bug." His hand almost messes up my hair and I dodge it.
"Woah woah!" I say jokingly. "The hair is off limits!" I run inside but he catches me. "Ugh..."
"Got you little bug!" He drops me and I glare at him. "Ha! Sticks and stones may break my bones but your words won't hurt me." He says in a parenting tone.
"What if I throw a fucking dictionary at you?" I reply.
"Ouch, I'm hurt," He grabs his chest in an over dramatic way. "I thought you liked me?"
"Damn you," I say feeling a little bad. "Your impossible." I storm into the cafeteria.
I hear the asshole laugh and trail behind me. I grab an apple and I sit at stef's and I's usual table. Chase sits next to me and smirks. I roll my eyes and stef pops her ass over to talk to us losers.
We sat there for 15 minutes listening to her drone on and on about gossip. As she talks my brain wonders and I start seeing chase and I kissing. I shake my head and chase winks at me like he knows what I was thinking.
I was in math when I saw something weird move outside the door. I get up compelled to follow it, telling the teacher I needed the nurse. I follow the thing out to an abandoned area of the school, yeah I know fucking stupid of me.
The thing turns around and it's the wolf. It jumps forward to me. "Are you ready to die?"
I fall on my ass and back up. "What are you?" I stutter out.
The creature stands over me and I am paralyzed with fear. Suddenly something shakes the world is shaking, wait no I am, but not from fear. A sharp sting hits my face and I suck in cool air and find a pissed and worried chase kneeling next to me.
"God damn you Kas you scared the fuck out of me!" He yells and shakes me. I say nothing the wolf still in my brain. Maybe a mental hospital is a good home.
Chase sees my trauma and carts me out of the school. My eyes droop and I'm suddenly in my bed with chase hovering over me. Worry is plastered on his face.
He sits down on my bed and a over whelming desire to kiss him erupted in me. I pull his head in and our lips meet burning hot. He kisses me back and I kiss him more. Suddenly he pushes me on the bed and he is gone from my room. Dazed and confused I start to cry thinking that I was the cause for him leaving.

Hey guys sorry I've been gone for so long. A lot has come up but I'm back! I will try and update more.
-xoxo senpai

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