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3 months later

Demi's P.O.V

The past three months have been crazy, mine and Sav's careers are getting better and better, but this pregnancy is slowly killing me. The morning sickness was probably the worst part, Sav has been amazing throughout it. Because I'm starting to show, Sav and I had to tell everybody which we did last week, we organised a dinner and invited everyone so we could tell them all at once, everyone was excited and happy for us, Cassidy and Ashley started arguing over who will be the god mother then Marissa joined in, we flew my family and Mar out so they could be here for the announcement. My mother was brought to tears and was excited that she was finally getting a grandchild, her saying that kind of annoyed me because I class Jay as my own daughter but in anyway I also get it, she wants a blood related grandchild, my mother and the rest of my family have welcomed Sav and Jay into our family which I'm thankful for.

Sav has been working at an actual fire station the past two and a half months and she's loving it, even though she comes home tired she still cooks dinner and takes care of Jay and myself, I do my bit and cook dinner on my nights to cook, she's just been an amazing support.

"Babe" Sav waved her hand in front of my face pulling me from my thoughts.


Sav giggled before shaking her head and smiling at me.

"I'm taking Jay to school, do you want anything?"

"Can I come? We can grab breakfast after dropping Jay off, just you and I" I suggested as I pulled a fully dressed Sav back down to bed.

"It hasn't been just you and I in a while" Sav smiled and blushed.

"I know, we've both been busy, but you don't start till 12 and I'm not busy until 3, so what do you say?" I smiled.

"Get dressed or Jay will be late" Sav leaned down and kissed me passionately before getting up and leaving the room.

I climbed out of bed and had a quick shower and got dressed and ready as quick as I could, once I was ready I stood looking at myself in the mirror, I was wearing a tight shirt so you could see my baby bump, I smiled as my hands rested on it.

"I see you're up to the stage where you don't stop feeling it eh"

I looked at the door way and Sav was standing there with a massive smile on her face, I looked back into the mirror and smiled.

"It's just amazing" I smiled. Sav walked over and wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder after kissing my shoulder.

"Being pregnant suits you, you look extremely beautiful, not that you don't when you aren't pregnant" she let out a laugh.

I turned around so I was facing Sav and smiled.

"Thank you babe, let's go I'm hungry" I gave her a quick peck before walking out of the room.


I held Sav's hand as I sat across from her while we waited for our food.

"I love you" Sav spoke as she looked straight into my eyes.

"I love you more" I smiled as I ran my thumb across the back of Sav's hand. Sav rolled her eyes and smiled.

Our food came and we ate in a peaceful silence after breakfast we decided to go for a little walk, so hand in hand Sav and I walked the streets until I became tired. We headed home and I went and laid on the couch while Sav got ready for work.

Here We Go Again(Sequel to Only You)Where stories live. Discover now