Bad Dreams

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Demi's P.O.V

I woke up having trouble breathing and tears falling down my face. I looked beside me and let out a sigh of relief once I seen Sav sleeping peacefully beside me. I climbed out of bed trying my best not to wake her. I went and got a glass of water from the fridge and sat at the counter.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Savannah asked as she rubbed my back.
"Bad dream" I replied. Sav gave me a questioning look.
"I had a dream that we lost you" I explained the rest of the dream to her and tears started to fall.
"Babe, I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that"

I pulled her closer to me and held her tight.

"I want to get married" I spoke.
"We are silly"
"No, I mean I don't want to wait much longer, I don't want to have any regrets in life. I want to get married as soon as possible"
"Then that's what we will do" Savannah smiled.
"You don't mind?" I questioned.
"The sooner I'm married to you the better, I'd prefer to be married before little man comes along"

I kissed Sav passionately then grabbed her hand and led her back to bed. Once we laid down I started getting a weird feeling so I grabbed my stomach.

"I think there's something wrong with the baby" I panicked. Savannah placed her hand on my stomach and started giggling.
"That's just him kicking, baby"

Savannah nodded and kissed my cheek before cuddling up to me and falling back asleep, I just laid there with my hand on my stomach and thinking about wedding plans.

Savannah's P.O.V

My alarm woke me up so I quickly turned it off trying not to wake Demi, I know she didn't get much sleep last night so I don't wanna wake her.

I got out of bed then went and made myself some coffee which is needed. I just sat down when there was a knock at my door which was weird considering it's only 7:30 in the morning. I walked over and opened the door and Ashley walked straight in and started ranting about something.

"Good morning to you too" I said as I sat on the couch.
"Did you hear a word I just said?"
"Yes, but isn't it a good thing that you're going on dates?" I was confused, she comes over at this time in the morning complaining of going on dates, like what?

"No, because none of them are her" she sighed and fell onto the couch.
"You're still not over her?"
"No, I've tried to move on but nothing is working"
"Have you tried talking to mani?" I asked.
"No we haven't really spoken since the breakup"
"Talk to her, she might be the same way"
"You're right, thanks Sav!" Ashley got up and left closing the door a little bit too hard behind her, I hoped that she hadn't woken Demi but guess what she did. Demi came walking out rubbing her eyes looking extremely cute. I tapped the spot next to me motioning for her to sit there, once she did she took my coffee and had a sip of it.

"Good morning" I smiled at her"
"Morning love"

Believe it or not but I still get butterflies every time she calls me that.

"Do you want breakfast?" I asked.
"Little man wants pancakes from McDonald's"
"Did he tell you that?"
"Mmhmm, three kicks means pancakes"

I laughed at her then told her to get ready and we will go, I went and woke Jay up and got her ready then we headed off.

We ordered and got our food then went and sat down. Everyone was enjoying their food so there wasn't any conversation going on.

After we finished Jay went and played giving Demi and I time to talk.

"I'm sorry for waking you during the night"
"Don't be babe, I'd rather that you do wake me if you have a bad dream" I grabbed her hand and started playing with her fingers.

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